View Full Version : New Girl - Thank Goodness I Have Found You!!

17-09-09, 21:05

I can't believe I have found this site. I am 38 years old and for as long as I can remember I have had Health Anxiety. I have tried numerous counselling sessions but nothing has worked.

I seem to have a worry every week and I am sure my anxieties affect my health. My biggest fear is cancer, and every ailment I get in my mind, is cancer.

I currently have an incredibly sore tongue, which I am convinced is oral cancer! It seems to flare up in the evening and is so sore and feels swollen. Could it be something I have eaten?

I would go to my doctor but I am sure they are on to me with my anxieties and I am too embarrassed.

Many thanks for any help or advice.

17-09-09, 22:09
Hi. I'm new too :)

A sore tongue is most likely due to either eating something too hot or from a vitamin deficiency. I eat rubbish:blush: and I always have a sore tongue. I think I read that in a Gillian McKieth book:roflmao:

Mouth cancer is very rare and I'm pretty sure it only affects people who've smoked really heavily for years. xxx

17-09-09, 22:11
Hi, Im 36 and found this site a couple of months ago and was so relieved. I also have been living with health anxiety for all my adult years but since having my son 2 years ago its been worse. My fear is also cancer. Its effects most of my day. I was having a good day yesterday and I have met a lovely couple in our new area and she popped over to pick something up and bent down and I saw a massive scar on her back. I went weak as I realized she must have had melanoma and my husband said she did have cancer. Now Im freaking out about that as thats my main fear. Ive realized that just by going about my normal day I hear or see the word cancer that many times. At the supermarket, on TV, newspaper, radio, billboards. How can I get better when its in my face everyday. Just know that your not alone. If you need any support or want to chat more you can private message me. You will love this forum. Everyone is so nice. Take care. :welcome:

17-09-09, 22:19
Hello, I have suffered from health anxiety for many years now on and off but just recently it has gotten very very bad. Like you the illness I always imagine myself to have is cancer. In the past month I have thought of ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, stomach cancer. Usually because there has been pain or discomfort in my stomach and this leads me to believe it has to be the worst possible scenario. Nothing simple, straightforward and rational comes into my head, it's always cancer. Strangely enough, last year I was tested for cancer of the thyroid, as a growth formed on my thyroid gland meaning I have a very prominent lump in my neck. The whole time I was being tested and waiting for the results to come back, I was worried, obviously but absolutely nowhere near as badly as I am worrying now on a daily basis! How strange is that?? When I had something to worry about, I didn't worry that much, but when it seems I have nothing to be concerned about I worry profusely. It sounds to me like your tongue could be something to do with something you have eaten, I know it's easy for me to say that to you and I know I would be thinking exactly the same as you if I was in your position. But I genuinely don't think you have anything to worry about
Take care
Amanda xxxx

17-09-09, 22:29
I feel so relieved that I am not this weird person who is paranoid and has 'had' every cancer out there. Whilst I am really sorry that other people are suffering as I am, I am comforted to know I am not alone.

Thank you for your lovely posts so far.

choccychompa - I tend not to drink enough in a day, so reckon this could be it. I also eat too many naughty things, so think I will make an effort to eat better and take supplements too.

Adelle - I was having a good day today too and then watched Watchdog tonight about some healer man who reckons he can cure cancer. Of course I was sititng there worrying about my tongue and convincing myself it's a sign I have cancer. I tend to do this, if I worry about cancer, perhaps I have been having a bad day worrying about skin cancer, then pick up a mag with an article about skin cancer, I am convinced it is a sign and I am going to get it and die.

Amanda - Bizarrely I too had a serious cancer scare about 6 years ago. I lost a baby and they found out I had a condition that could turn into cancer (all very complicated) and had to be monitored for a year, weekly blood tests. Strangely I wasn't half as freaked out about that as I am about my cancer freak outs now. If I find a red mark on my arm, its cancer, if I have stomach cramps, its cancer, if I have a headache, its cancer. I just can't get over it as much as I try.

I am so glad there are people I can talk to about this. I have a lovely family, but they tend to joke about my hypochondria and don't really take it seriously as I hide how big a problem it is.

Thanks everyone xx

17-09-09, 22:49
I am so sorry for the loss of your baby, I also know what the pain of losing a child feels like as I lost my baby when I was 6 months pregnant with twins. Thankfully the other baby held on in there and I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl at 35 weeks, and she has grown up to be a happy, healthy 6 year old.
I am still being monitored at the moment; every 6 months I have to go for an ultrasound and a biopsy just to make sure all is well. They can surgically remove the growth but at the moment they are keeping that as purely a last resort as the operation itself has major risks. My consultant told me that it is a case of weighing up the dangers and at the moment having the surgery is the most dangerous option. The thing is though I don't even worry about the lump becoming cancerous, when I'm panicking about cancer it doesn't even enter the equation. Isn't that so strange? You would think that the lump would be my main worry if I was going to panic about getting cancer but it's not. I am the same as you though, I get a headache and I have a brain tumour etc, I sat out in the sun a couple of months ago and got burnt and every day after it for about a month I was continuously checking my moles. Sore chest or a cough and it's lung cancer, I could go on and on.
You are definetely not weird and you are definetely not alone. I find it such a comfort to know that when I am struggling I can come on here and talk to other people who actually really do understand how I am feeling. I, like you, also hide how bad my anxiety is from almost everyone close to me. It did begin to become a bit of a joke, with people saying "What are you dying from this week" or "oh no, what's wrong with you now" They may not think they are doing any harm but I find it humiliating and it makes me feel like some kind of freak. I really wish I could get rid of these feelings and a couple of people have said to me, it's just mind over matter, you just have to make yourself overcome these things. I honestly have tried but at the moment every day is a struggle, I feel so tired and drained from worrying about it. I hope you feel a bit more reassured
Take care
Amanda xxxx

18-09-09, 10:59
I also have cancer phobia... Ive thought ive had every form of cancer possible... but of course... i didnt. I also currently have an oral cancer fear due to a weird looking tonsil. My doc says theres nothing, but you know HA.... there doesnt have to be anything. I also have tongue issues, and I agree with Choccy... its likely a vitamin deficiency. Mine was caused by iron deficiency... you should probaly ask your doc to give you a blood test and a B12 blood test to check you are not deficient/anaemic. It is very common in people who do not eat much red meat or have a poor diet.

18-09-09, 11:06
ive got vitamin b12 deficency its worth just popping along for a test for it , my tongue is always funny with it

18-09-09, 14:03
I know what you mean about seeing things wherever you go. It's so annoying. You're having a 'good' day and then there's a poster for McMillan cancer or (with me) a mention about heart attacks somewhere and BAM! You're back to square one! Grrr...

18-09-09, 14:08
Hi im the same my health anxietys drive me mad i have had something everyday for the last few weekis and i think people and my doctor dont take me seriously.x

18-09-09, 14:12
Thank you for your reassurances about my tongue everyone. I am definitely going to try Vitamin B.

Amanda, I am so very sorry to hear of your loss too. Luckily I gave birth to a gorgeous little boy three years ago, who is a complete monkey. My cancer and dying fear seems to have got worse since having him. I am absolutely paranoid about leaving him and my older son motherless.

When Jade Goody was dying earlier this year, I think I was almost at my lowest, I couldn't read enough about it and was convinced I had everything she was going through. I think I am worse when I hear of people around me dying.

Tragically my best friend died of cancer when we were just 20. She had battled the desease for 5 years and I had watched deriorate. As you can imagine it was terrible and I guess this is where my phobia comes from. But I can remember being scared of dying from a very very young age.

Oh how I wish I could wave a mgic wand and we are all cured of our fears!!


18-09-09, 14:15
Hi Sam,

I have a lovely doctor, but I know she thinks I am a bit of a hypochondriac. I could go and see her and take a list as long as my arm of ailments but they will only see you with one thing at a time.

I have had the 'what are you dying of this time' and 'you are a miracle still being here after all the cancers you have had' from my friends and family and whilst they are not saying these things to be horrible, they do not realise how bad you are feeling. You feel like you are not quite right and you are going mad don't you?

18-09-09, 19:33
There is nothing worse than feeling like you aren't being taken seriously. And unfortunately it happenes with friends and docs alike when they know we suffer from anxiety.

NMP has given me so much support I can't thank everyone enough on here.

I hope you find it as supportive(which will causeit is amazing :p )

Take care love xxxxxxx

18-09-09, 21:36
Thanks Wee Mee, I can't believe how lovely people are already. I have HA every single week and it usually it is something different every week, so it is good to know I can come on here and find reassurances. xx