View Full Version : weight loss

25-10-05, 13:35
hey every1,

in the last 3 or so months ive lost 9pounds. ( know that doesnt sound a lot but when u only weigh 7stone9 at the age of 16 its drastic) Im so scared. I dnt want to b underweight. I weight myself today and now i weight 6sone13 and im so confused as to how im losing it. In the last 7or so weeks Ive had a lot of anxiety and im not goin to bed until 3am. Im eating fine. I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner and food inbetween. But there is another thing. I dont know whether im losing it because im on the depo injection. My sister lost nearly a stone when she was on it and now she switched to the pill. but iv been on the pill and i couldnt take it. Normally the injection would make u put weight on but it hasnt. Im so scared cause i dont want to b uderweight. I want to go to the doctors but i dnt kno how old u have to be. Im 16, is that old enough? The nurse who gives me my injection said that i wasnt losing weight because of that and should go to the doctors and maybe theyl give me bloodtests to find if theres something wrong.

i cnt stop crying in the last couple of days either. I nearly broke up with my boyfriend of 8months yesterday because my head feels so messed up with anxiety and depression. I still down know whether i want to be with him either tho. i dnt know whether i love him. but everytime i think of breaking up with him, i feel empty and like i wanna panic but every time i feel like being with him, i feel like i want to break up with him. Any relationship advice?

please help me! Rachel xxxx

25-10-05, 14:09
Hi Rachel,

sorry to hear you are going through it.

I lost 2 stones in about 6 weeks at the height on my anxiety so it can cause weight loss. It may be worth seeing your GP anyway to explain things and se if he or she considers further tests necessary.

Wouldn't like to give anyone relationship advice. All I would say is go with your gut feeling. Sometimes this is very hard to put in practice but your gut feeling is usually right. One thing though. In an anxiety state it is probably unwise to make any major life changing decisions. Your emotions will be all over the place. One moment one thing seems right. The next moment the opposite seems right!! It mau be wiser to get yourself settled first and then make any major decisions later, unless you REALLY know what the problem is.


25-10-05, 17:55
yeh i can understand what your saying. I went to my GP earlier today and ive got an appointment for a blood test thrusday, so hopefully that will go well. cheers for replying x

25-10-05, 18:15
That's good. It will probably come back clear. :) Still, you are doing the right thing by ruling out other factors.

Once you've got the all clear the GP should be able to offer you more help to get to the root of your anxiety. CBT for example, although there may be quite a waiting list.
I did a Stress and Anxiety Management course via the GP which was very helpful also. I'm sure they are national so may be worth enquiring about. Waiting list was very short for the one I did.


26-10-05, 08:44
Sounds like you are using loads of energy crying and being anxious.

loss of appetite (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2585)
weight loss (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5876)
does anybody feel sick or cant eat for days (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4842)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

26-10-05, 15:04
what is CBT may i ask? x

26-10-05, 15:42
It stands for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. I'm no expert but it deals with things like the "Thoughts, Feelings, Behavior" model.

It works on the basis that a Thought is a thing. It creates energy that brings a Feeling. This feeling then has an affect on your Behaviour. This behaviour then affects your next thought and so it goes on.

This means that you can get into a negative, downward, inward spiral with everything escalating out of control based on one negative intitial thought.
The reverse is to use a positive thought approach which brings an outward spiral and hence better feelings and results in you doing more (behaviour).

As I say, I'm no expert but that's how I perceive it. Meg will be able to give you a proper explanation I'm sure. :D


26-10-05, 15:46
Lol ah right cheers. Does it work for everyone do you think? cos i have tried everything that i can. Ive been to my GP, 3 hypnotherapists, 2counsellors and ive been to about 6 sessions of the Alexander technique which is helping a little bit. I jus hope i can get myself sorted cos i really hate being like i am, as i know every1 does.

cheers trev xxx

26-10-05, 16:06
It appears to work for very many people. I believe it's very, very useful. It's heavily in demand on the NHS so waiting lists are usually long and you need to be referred. Privately it isn't cheap generally.

Am I thinking about the right Alexander technique? I thought that was a posture related thing. Laying on the floor with bent knees etc???


26-10-05, 17:33
hi there, weight loss is not unusual, when i first started having problems i lost just over a stone within 3-4 weeks and it worried me.

But i was going to the loo ahell of alot and that was the reason for the weight loss, the panic that i was having was causing me to go to the loo more often than usual.

27-10-05, 13:44
There is lots of information about CBT on the home pages.



Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?