View Full Version : New and glad to have found you all

18-09-09, 00:26

My name is Katy and I am 20 years old. I suffer from general anxiety disorder which has been occurring for a very long time and seems flares up mostly in times of great change or upheaval. I'm currently about to go into my third year of my degree and and as such I'm going through a particularly bad time. I worry about most things, but at the moment I'm obsessed with losing my mum even though she's perfectly healthy. I enjoy university tremendously however the heightened anxiety i experience just before going and often for weeks after arriving (bear in mind term is only 10 weeks) is deeply troubling. In these forums I hope to find some solace if not solutions.


18-09-09, 07:45
:welcome: Katy, glad you found the site , and i am sure it will be of benefit to you. There are lots of people here who will be able to identify with you, and its a great place for offering/gettting advice, or just airing our thoughts, and there is loads of useful info at the panel on the left hand side.
Hope to speak with you soon.

Best wishes
P x :hugs:

Veronica H
18-09-09, 08:17
:welcome: welcome to NMP. This is a friendly place with great support and advice.


18-09-09, 09:38
Hi Katy,

A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

best wishes

di xx