View Full Version : Hives

25-10-05, 15:50
Since the early summer when I was under a lot of high stress I came down with hives and have been suffering with them ever since. Doc says it is stress/anxiety! I've been having them off and on since July and I take Benadryl for them. Has anyone here ever experienced this sort of reaction to stress/anxiety. Their simply awful! Read on another board people can have them for years. They seem to pop out every other day.




25-10-05, 21:51
Hi there Kathy:D

I've only had hives once and that was because I had suddenly become allergic to Penicillen while I was on a course of them. It was awful because I was on a summer holiday at the time. I didn't know that anxiety/stress could cause them.....are you sure there's no medication or something your taking that could have caused this?

Sorry I can't be much help on this[8)]

Jem xxx