View Full Version : Meningitis...

18-09-09, 05:25
I've been doing really well with my anxiety lately, but now something has happened in my community where a child died from meningitis. Now I'm freaking out. My question is, is the meningitis vaccine included in their infant vaccinations? I practice good hygiene in my family. Constantly washing hands, and using antibacterial spray on everything. I know my children don't have it now, but now I don't want to take them into a public place. I don't want my children to be affected by my HA, but I want to keep them safe. They are my world, and there is no way in this world that I could go on if something happened to them. Does anyone have any advice for me?! I really don't want this to affect them, but right now, I don't even want to send my babies to school when they get old enough. I fear that they may catch something. They are only 1 and almost 4 so I have a year before my oldest goes to school, but I don't want to be in full blown panic attacks when he does get to the school age. I don't want to be that over protective mother that you hear kids grouching about. Sorry if this post seems like I am rambling, but I am honestly scared to death about this.

Thanks ahead of time.

18-09-09, 08:25
I got a meninigitis jab when I was younger but I'm not sure what strain it protects you against - Men C I think.. I suppose you would get it in the US as well but I don't know for sure! I think there's not a lot you can do to prevent it other than what you are doing - you know, good hygiene etc :) . Meningitis is relatively rare when you compare it to other infections and viruses and I'm sure you'd instinctively know if your children were that ill. Someone also told me once (it was either the national menigitis trust website or my doctor) that if you catch it early enough, 9 out of 10 cases can be treated successfully, so please try not to worry (easier said than done I know) :)