View Full Version : Long intro...

18-09-09, 09:34
Hi all - I just found the forum and have been reading thru so much. This is such a wonderful resource! I am so happy to have found it.

A little about me. I'm Leslie. 44. I'm from the States -- from Louisiana to be exact. I'm happily married to a wonderful and understanding man (thank goodness) for going on 13 years now. No kids, just the furry four-pawed, barking kind. I had a hysterectomy 2 yrs ago for severe fibroids and a risky ovary and sadly, I am about 35 lbs overweight -- altho I do cook "healthy" (whole grains and olive oils, etc) and go bicycling every day.

I have battled anxiety since I was in my early 20s (so roughly about 20 yrs now). It had gone into "remission" if you want to call it that until I was 38... then my older brother died of a sudden heart attack (he'd just celebrated his 40th bday). That was 6 yrs ago and for these past 6 yrs, my anxiety seems to have worsened. My BP shot up to about 170/98 and they put me on BP meds. I went to a cardiologist where they did an ultrasound of my heat and told me I had Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) and the BP meds they put me on (Toprol 100 mg) also helped with the MVP and the palpitations, etc. Well around January, I started getting short of breath and told my doc I thought my childhood asthma had returned. I was always out of breath and just felt BAD all the time.. like my muscles weren't getting enough oxygen to them and I was wheezing on the exhale. She changed my meds, the new meds made me crazy, we went back to my prior meds, I got an inhaler, then I got Simbicort (a long-lasting inhaler that cost $200 per month.. sigh)... and everytime I go to the doc, my BP is still up... like 160/90-something. So I went 2 mos ago, they did a chest xray on me -- all clear -- I got a mammogram (mother is breast cancer survivor for over 17 yrs now) it was clear... doc tried once more to change my meds to another BP med and I went home... took it 3 times for 3 days and I felt worse than I ever did. So I just said ENOUGH! I stopped taking my BP meds (something I would NOT recommend going cold-turkey on it caused horrible headaches and my anxiety went thru the roof). But I take my BP regularly with my arm cuff and it generally runs 125/81 -- much lower than it ever was on 100 mgs of Toprol (which I was on for nearly 5 yrs).

Anyway, lately, I've been having a resurgence of anxiety and I have no idea what set it off. For the past 3 days I've had horrible palpitations in the evening, usually following a meal. I feel full after eating just a little (and I'm not used to that!). I have horrible reflux. I eat Tums or down an Alka Seltzer after my evening meals and I know this is too much info, but i feel better if I belch or pass gas... yet, I can't most times. And the fluttering... it goes on and on for hours. Then it'll stop. Then back to it again. Sigh. I know it's just anxiety... but it drives me nuts. I don't want to go back on a Beta Blocker (which they say helps the flutters -- the MVP) but if it keeps up, I guess I'll have to.

Long intro, I know... sorry! I'm just happy to be here and happy to find so many helpful folks. :hugs:


18-09-09, 09:36
Hi Leslie,

A huge warm welcome to nmp,

you'll get loads of advice and support here, and make some lovely friends along the way.

Just keep posting on the forum and we'll help you out all we can.

best wishes

di xx

19-09-09, 01:40
thank you, Di! happy to have found y'all!!