View Full Version : GLANDS

18-09-09, 12:26
I know that there is a big thread about this but it doesnt really answer my questions about glands so I hope noone minds if i post about it again.

I have heard that pea sized glands are normal, how big is that? What kind of pea? Can anyone give me an example of something else that is the same size of any glands that they can feel in their neck.

Also can anyone who can feel glands in their neck tell me where in ther neck they are?

Does anyone feel any down the sides of the necks ( not right at the front ) between their ears and their shoulders?



18-09-09, 12:30
Hi Lisa iv some experience with glands after going to the docs a few times about mine, I was curious like you and didnt know what size they should be.
I was told they can be anything from a pin head size to garden pea and some even as big as a kidney bean. All considered to be normal sizes.
You have them all over your body I recently discovered some near my arm pit on the side of my chest and was a bit worried because id never prodded around there before. But the truth is we have them all over us, and we would know if they were swollen because they would be tender and noticeable.
Feeling glands in the body is normal, normal places to feel them are you neck, arm pits, and groin.
Saying that if you poke at them as much as I did you will make them tender.
Hope that helps :) x

18-09-09, 12:38

Do you think that its okay though for me to have about four between pin and pea sized ones down the sides of my neck for two years minimum?( thats when i found them )


18-09-09, 12:42
Yes Lisa I think that's fine, if in doubt get them checked out, that's what I did and it really put my mind at ease. I think if they haven't grown and they are not sore its not too much to worry about.
Where you feel them is a very common place to feel them.
Im sure if you felt near your arm pit and in your groin (where the leg meets) you would feel them there as well.
You will also notice they are all roughly the same size. It might also put your mind at ease.
Let me know how you get on .
Luke x

18-09-09, 12:47
Luke ive been to about four different drs with them over about two years and they all said its nothing. I ve had tons of blood taken over last two years and five hiv test cos im mental.......:) I went to a private dr and he said'shotty nodes' in his notes.

But i just worry that they are hiv nodes and the tests are wrong aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I hate the fact that i ever started worrying and reading about my health


18-09-09, 12:50
Yeah I understand it can be horrible lisa as time goes by you will get better it took me about three weeks to get over my gland obsession and in that time i was driving myself insane.
I made every spot possible where glands can be found sore because I had poked myself too much!
Have you tried using the chat room I found that a great help when I was prodding around at myself, or any other distraction techniques for that matter?

Luke x

18-09-09, 12:54
Lisa, i have got a gland up in my neck, abit bigger than pea size, i went to the docs about it 4 yrs ago because at the time it had been up for a month, (this was before i started to suffer with HA), he had a feel and said he felt fine etc, but sent me for some routine blood tests anyway, they came back fine and i was told it is what they refer to as a rogue gland, meaning at some time many of us will get a gland up and it might stay up. It is still there now and like i said thats 4 years now, i have also got glands up under that one and they have been up a number of months now, i did worry about them so off to the docs again, and he said with my anxiety (GAD, HA) im prolonging them staying up because im running myself down worrying as much as i do about literally anything and everything. I hope this helps abit, and like Luke has said the more u prod them also the longer they will stay because you are inflamming them to stay. Take care hun, Debs xx

18-09-09, 14:20
Hey Lisa :)

I have a few pea sized glands they are like little garden peas, i can feel the ones you are describing, most sources say the pea sized glands are not enlarged, i went to the doctor he said he could feel them but that they wasnt enlarged either.

I used to worry alot until i made my family members feel there necks and they could feel them to!!

Dont worry you are fine your doctor said your fine just anxiety playing tricks on you and making you think theres something wrong when there isnt xx

18-09-09, 14:22
I was the same meg iv had everyone touching their glands in my house and my parents house lol
I even felt my gfs and hers were bigger than mine it put my mind at ease.