View Full Version : I will never again believe what the doctor says...

sarah jayne
18-09-09, 13:47
For the last 5 weeks ive been suffering from intense headaches, at first i was told it was my sinuses so i was put on anibiotics, then they thought it was a reaction to citalopram so i stopped taking it, then they told me it was a tension headache which i'd just started to believe and today its something else ! Now they reckon they are certain that its refered pain from my neck ( ive got 3 slipped disks) and i have been told not to go back to the doctors as there is nothing they can do for me ! Ive had my slipped disks for years and they have never caused me pain like this, especially in my temples which are very sore to touch. Ive got an appointment at the pain clinic next week so im going to see what they say. I feel so let down and hurt by what the doctor said and the way he said it. He basically said to stop wasting their time, i have had too many appointments recently and am abusing the nhs ! I admit ive been to the doctors about once a week since coming off holiday 2 months ago and ending up in hospital with very bad food poisoning, colitis and gastritis. I coudnt eat for over a month and was on a drip for a week,i thought i was going to die and even said goodbye to my family, it was after this illness that my anxiety and depression returned and i was put on citalopram and then my headaches started only for them to tell me it was my sinuses and wrongly treat me for it and ive been in constant pain since. Also im now not on medication for my depression and anxiety as i had to stop the citalopram. I really dont know what to do, i just feel like crying, i cant go back to the doctor so im just stuck like this...:huh:

18-09-09, 13:56
Oh Honey :hugs:
What a nightmare :mad: That must have been awful for you. Doctors should be more understanding.

Big hugs :hugs:

18-09-09, 14:05
The truth is that being a Dr isn't an exact science - they have to use their experience and their education to try to figure out what is wrong with us. And at times it takes them a while to figure it out....now that is absolutely NO excuse for poor bedside manners. That was terrible of your Drs to make you feel like that. I would want them to be honest and say "you know we aren't quite sure what is going on".....Have you thought about getting a new Dr?

18-09-09, 14:19
What an unprofessional attitude from your doctor - I agree with barbn that you might want to consider changing to a different one, even if it is within the same practice. If you feel that something written in your medical notes has affected, or may affect your treatment in the future it may be an idea to ask to see your medical notes (which you are legally entitled to do, tho' there may be a nominal charge if I remember rightly). If there was something contained in them which you felt unfair and wanted to challenge, you could then do so. Also, your surgery may have a practice manager who you could phone or write to if you think your relationship with your doctor has broken down, they should be able to help.

sarah jayne
18-09-09, 14:19
Hi, thanks for your replies. I am going to try to get a new doctor at a different practice, i cant carry on like this. i might even make a complaint about what has been happening as it isnt the first time they have got things wrong. When i first broke the disks in my neck they wouldnt believe me, it took 9 months to get an mri scan which confirmed it. I just dont trust them anymore and i didnt like being told that i was wasting their time.
Sarah x

18-09-09, 14:29
I think that's probably a good idea, I can see why you wouldn't want to go back to see the same doctor. Is there anybody you know who can recommend you to a good/sympathetic doctor who's local to you?

sarah jayne
18-09-09, 15:11
No everyone i know goes to the same doctors, theres not many around here, alot of people have had enough of them. Im definately changing though x

anx mum
18-09-09, 17:46
Exactly how i feel hun u go 2 docs for understanding and support mines exactly the same just fobbs me off with pills the end of the day u just want 2 b well.

18-09-09, 18:22
I'm sorry sweetheart but your doctor sounds an absolute t****r. You can't treat people like that but unfortunately they aren't the only one to do so. I've had my fair share of less than friendly doctors and for someone that sufferes anxiety,it really just heightens it :(

But I think you should def set out about finding another doc because there ARE docs that are willing to sit there and listen and well,do their job and see about getting you better.

I'm sorry you are in so much physical and emotional pain.