View Full Version : Can panic feel like a heart attack

18-09-09, 14:40
I've had daily panic everyday for the past 8 years was last night was diffenrent, for the first time i felt like i was actually having a heart attack and i was going to die, ive never had that before.

It started when i got into bed, i get out of breath going upstairs and in our room, it worries me, so coupled with that and then watching a doc about swine flu which made me panic, i just felt so panicky and struggling to get my breathing normal.
This went on for hours, my chest hurt, i felt sick, i couldnt breathe properly, i eventually tried to get some sleep but on the verge of sleep, i kept waking up with my legs and arms flailing about and i had to sit up and clutch my chest cos it was hurting so much, but the initial bad pain was just as soon as i'd woken up and for about 10 seconds then simmered down.

I've been panicking since about 11pm last night (it's now 2:25pm the following day), i keep having panic attacks.

please tell me you've felt this too? need reassurance

18-09-09, 15:03

Yes i HAVE felt this too so you're not the only one so please don't worry.
My very first panic attack was exactly how you described my whole family saw me go into it and were convinced i was having a heart attack, i had pains in my chest, neck shoulders, couldn't breath was hyperventilating the whole lot.
After that, the fear alone made me have panic attacks everyday for almost 2 weeks, i was given diazepam which calmed me down when i had them and once i knew i was going to be ok they reduced.
The more you worry the more they come on so try to relax a little bit more. do deep breathing exercises which really will help.

Hope i have helped a little.
Take care:)

18-09-09, 20:40
Bless you! :hugs:
That sounds truly awful :weep: :weep: :weep:
I haven't had a full blown panic attack, but I am constantly anxious about my heart and worry that I will have a heart-attack. Thee have been many times when I thought it was going to happen (or actually happening) but I was able to talk myself down from it before it got too horrendous.
Anyway, in answer to your question; yes, it definitely can feel like you're having a heart-attack. Many many many people have been through it. HA is truly horrible :mad: xxx

18-09-09, 22:37
I too have been through this on a few occasions, a full blown panic attack will defintely feel like, or make you feel like you're having a heart attack.

The first panic attack I ever had i called an ambulance, they were there within a minute as they were round the corner, and all my levels were fine. Scary stuff, but thankfully since being on Sertraline, they haven't returned fully, although I still get anxious sometimes, and have had to stop myself having a panic attack on numerous occasions with relaxation cd's, long fairly deep breaths in a quiet place.

The fact that you're sat at your computer typing away your message is evidence that it's not a heart attack :P keep your chin up and try to calm yourself down when you feel the panic build up, and if you do fall into one, learn ways to calm yourself down and remind yourself it's only an anxiety problem.

I know that if I wake in a panic attack in the night, that watching a comedy programme on TV or listening to talk radio will calm me down as i'm concentrating on something else. Other times, I just find a seat, close my eyes and breathe slowly at a regular pace, even in public. Sod what they think, at the end of it, you gotta get yourself back to normal!

See your docs if its gets to the point where you can't cope as sometimes, medication is an answer. Antidepressants have moved on since the 80's when people got so addicted to them. But they often make you feel worse to start off with as your body gets used to them so play it careful if you choose this path

18-09-09, 23:09
My mother was hospitalized for three days for what they thought was a heart attack....turns out she just had a panic attack. My father has been through ever heart test in the book thinking he had heart issues, hes been unable to breath, had chest pains, one day his arms went numb and he couldn't even write......again, ONLY anxiety! Of course anything that scares you or feels weird should always be checked out with a doctor, but those are just a few examples of how powerful anxiety can be!
It definitely runs in the family!

19-09-09, 04:36
I went through the same thing- visit to A+E the lot. What helped me was when my doctor explained why it felt like a heart attack (when you hyperventilate for too long the blood doesn't circulate properly which leads to tingling in your arm and hand and it also makes your chest feel tight). She also taught me how to do deep breathing to calm me- sit up straight and put your hand on your belly, breath in through your nose really deeply so you feel your belly move and exhale through your mouth.

Hope that helps.

19-09-09, 21:48
Panic can be very scary when you first get it and the symptoms can include things which can easily make you think it's a heart attack.

In my case a year ago I had little chest pains and driving home I had a pretty much joking thought about what I'd do if I had a heart attack. Next thing I knew I was feeling very feint and when I got home I had a massive pounding heart and essentially thought I was going to die. Anyway, after calls to NHS Direct, seeing an out of hours GP service at the community hospital, and not improving, I ended up going to A&E at midnight. Bloods and ECG done and packed off with nothing wrong with me (and cost me a fortune for 4 hours parking!).

Still had the pounding heart, but beta blockers sorted that out. Basically it was panic which sets the body into fight & flight mode, and that scared me which made it worse.

It can be annoying when you get these things at the weekend or nights. You can still call NHS Direct or try a local walk-in centre if you have one, if you are really concerned. It's worth getting it checked out if it's a new experience for you.

p.s. when you say you're out of breath walking up stairs, is this common or a one off? I'd certainly see a GP about that if it's common.

19-09-09, 22:07
sounds like one of my panic attacks i even called an ambulance as i was convinced it was a heart attack but i was fine
bloody panic's