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18-09-09, 15:23
Im so sorry to bother everyone but ive really done it again and im so very worried.

I stupidly looked up on google about shotty nodes becuase thats what a dr described mine as they have been there for ages and i just read that it is s sign of viral activity.....oh my gosh someone please help i am shaking and feel like i might be sick.

I have had five negative hiv tests but why would i have these viral nodes for so long if i dont have a virus?!?!?!?

i cant handle this


18-09-09, 15:51
Hi lisa i seem to remember you telling me never to look up anything on google, please please please follow your own advice, Dr Google is not the answer, If your own doc thinks they are fine and you have had 5 negative tests then you really do NOT have hiv. You would have to be the unluckiest person in the world to have 5 tests wrong. Perhaps you are just so run down from all the worry thats why your glands are up.

Calm down and go get the 5 test results out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Hope you are feeling better soon xxx

18-09-09, 16:17
Lol Rebecca i was about to say the same thing HUN You earlier said this to me

' STOP GOOGLING!!!! you dont need it and it DOES NOT help......it is an obsessive complusive behaviour that fuels HA big time!!!! Thats you told off hun....!!! Now you turn to tell me !!'' Im now telling you lol we both have wasted a Friday worrying because of dam google. You are fine hun i promise!" x

18-09-09, 16:23
Thanks girls

still feel horrible. Pretty much sick of myself if the truth be known. Got over the glands ages go and for some reason decided to worry about it all again today. So tiring. Acutally cant be bothered anymore........lets face it if i do have it...there isnt anythign i can do about it !!! Might aswell just get on with any time thats left!!

Thanks for your replies


18-09-09, 16:50

the thing is you dont have it and hiv is one of the only things that you can actually protect yourself from getting, you dont have it now and nor will you in the future. There is no point wasting your life worrying about something that you have had negative tests for. i know what you mean about getting over something then worrying all over again, my twitching didnt bother me for ages and i couldnt actually believe twitching would bother me again, then wham in the middle of the night i woke up with my calf muscles twitching and i was back to square one.

Take care hun xxx

18-09-09, 17:30
I too "get over" something then all of a sudden I'm obsessed I'm dying with it again.

But I don't get tests for ages til I freak out but honey,you have had 5 hiv tests.

They can't be wrong! I mean it is on the paper! I am all too aware of getting caught up in the worry though but you really must TRY calm down. *hugs*

When I am so out of my head with stress and worry etc,I get run down to no end.

Infact right now,after all the cancer fear for my mum,I'm COVERED in strange little boily type spots on my neck and chest and my asthma has got worse AND got these little bumps on my fingers which I once seen the doctor for and he said that it was like little viral bumps cos I was run down at that time too.

The body produces all sorts of symptoms when we were are anxious. I'm sure my littel spot things was caused by cortisol which the body prodces more of when we are anxious and makes our skin more oily etc and spotty.

But I'm away rambling. I am positive and your 5 tests are positive that you do NOT have hiv hun xxxxx

18-09-09, 19:05
It is an endless cycle isn't it.....you think your "ok" and WHAM!

First you have to stop Gooling - one thing my Dr said to me is that the information on the web is so generalized....meaning there are so many variable that are not taking into consideration...Shotty Nodes may be a sign of viral but what it doesn't say is that it could be a sign for a million other things too! So unless we have gone to school for several years, completed a residency, and had several years of experience, we can not diagnois ourselves!!! You have to stop googling!

You do not have HIV - there is NO way you can have five negative tests and have HIV!! What you have is anxiety (unfortuantely, like the rest of us).

18-09-09, 19:12
just a quick one i get a swolen gland in my throat if i get a cold sore hence viral which means some things very trivial x

19-09-09, 00:22
Lisa honey....HIV is not the only virus floating on the planet! There are tons! Maybe you are getting sick. You yourself told me that HIV nodes sweel so big that they are big and can be seen. This "symptom" is very generalized and is not even experienced by all people with HIV. The same is true that not all people who have swollen glands have HIV...this is not a way to tell if you have it or not. Your tests are and you have had 5.
You are getting sick because you are running down your immune system with the fear of having it. Please....stay off google. If you have a virus and get to not feeling well, you can take Pau D'Arco...a vitamin that has been proven to help with viruses...even HPV. Google that :)
really, honey, I am not sure if this will make you feel better but I have had small lumps in my neck since I noticed them. They get big and small and big again as my allergy and sinus act up. You have a cold coming on! Relax before you end up really sick from stress ok.

28-09-09, 15:26
Thanks everyone

My anxiety is still high for some reason just now. I think what is making me stress again is that my cbt has finished and im not sure that i feel okay at the moment.

Wee mee, what were your viral spots on your fingers like? Were they like blisters? Did you have any others? Were they itchy?

Stressed32......where abouts on your neck are your little lumps? Do you have any directly under you ears but halfway down between your shoulder your ears? sorry


28-09-09, 15:29
Lisa - don't feel bad my anxiety is SUPER high right now too and I have no idea why - just is. Everything is making me worry....so its not just you!!

Cell block H fan
28-09-09, 15:35
I will not be googling, so can anyone tell me what 'shotty nodes' are please? x

28-09-09, 15:54
Im glad im not alone withthe super anxiety thing!!!

Shotty nodes are little tiny lymph nodes under the skin that appear apparently according to google in clusters or groups!?!?!? as i say according to google so might be a lot of horse shi* but i still beleive the gospel acording to google!!


28-09-09, 16:39
Lisa NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:bansign: WARNING doctor Googleis BAD for your health :ban:

Cell block H fan
28-09-09, 17:20
Im glad im not alone withthe super anxiety thing!!!

Shotty nodes are little tiny lymph nodes under the skin that appear apparently according to google in clusters or groups!?!?!? as i say according to google so might be a lot of horse shi* but i still beleive the gospel acording to google!!


Ooooh! Gosh, never heard of those before. Cheers. Google makes too many sweeping generalisations though! :lac: lol

28-09-09, 20:29
My 3 and 1 year old both have these shotty nodes in their necks. They sometimes feel matted or like buckshot when they are sick. My little guy just got over croup and I can feel tons in his neck- don't worry! Also, my daughter has two lymph nodes that have been enlarged for 2.5 years- it is just the way she is. I used to have an HIV fear and no amount of negative tests made me feel better, but looking back, you have to realize that you simply do NOT have HIV. :)