View Full Version : Hot/flushed face, cold body??

18-09-09, 17:35
Hi, i just wondered if any body else ever gets a really hot face almost burning hot and flushed cheeks, but the rest of your body is cold and shakey? I get this an awful lot and have it at the moment, im really really cold and shivering but my face is extremely hot, but i dont have a temperature or anything! Weird and just me, or anybody else the same?? Debs xx

18-09-09, 18:08
Thank god you posted :-) regulary i get hot head and face, it makes me panic because i dont know what causes it. My body is usually normal, it's just my head and face that goes boiling hot xx

18-09-09, 18:41
Im glad you replied!!!! lol, i thought i was just me, my body is usually just right too, but like today it can be so cold. Just glad im not alone on this one. Debs xx

18-09-09, 19:05
I get this too, pure adrenaline & panic x

18-09-09, 19:42
I had this a couple of months ago, the docs put me on beta blockers and it stopped. I am now off the beta blockers and touch wood not had the shivers return. Its extreme anxiousnous that causes it.

18-09-09, 20:12
Yes I get this. It's when you panic about something and your body goes into shock. I was sitting here last night with a blanket around me shivering because I was worried about my heart... again! Lol. xxx

18-09-09, 21:25
Thanks for all the replies, i wasnt overly worried about it, but reassures me alot knowing im not alone with this syptom. Thanks again, Debs xx

Logan Brett
19-09-09, 00:14
Arsenicum (Hom) - Colds: nose watery, acidic, dripping discharge, burns the upper lip, yet nose feels stuffed up, feeling not relieved by sneezing. Burning, dry, nostrils. Dull, throbbing headache with sensitivity to light. Restless, chilly, anxious and nervous. Frequent sips of cold water. Fear of serious illness, death. Worse: open air, cold, after midnight. Better: warm room, warm drinks. Fevers, dry, burning, worse: 2 a.m.. Chiils with shivering. Face hot, body and hands cold. Cold sweats. Anxiety, restlessness, despair. Total exhaustion. Thirst for small sips.
Symptoms Vaginal Herpes (http://www.cureforherpes.org/vaginal-herpes.html)

19-09-09, 04:25
I just experienced this for the first time yesterday. It felt like I was maybe starting to get a cold or something like that. Not hot anywhere else, only my cheeks and my forehead. Ive also had it again today. However it only lasts about an hour or two.

Im fairly new to the whole 'anxiety and depression' problem that I have and Ive got to say its so comforting coming on here and reading that Im not the only person that suffers with them

19-09-09, 09:29
Hi all

Oh wow i get this, generally just b4 my monthly when anx is higher. i end up wrapped up in a blanket feeling like i got cold. I love this place it makes me feel normal lol

19-09-09, 16:59
I've posted a couple of time about this. When my anxiety hits a high I get burning forehead, yet my temp is always within normal limits when I check temp (over than forehead)

01-02-13, 03:38
hello all.
finally i found other people with same situation like mine.(cold hands and feet, and hot face,and twice my body was shacking).well in my case the symtoms sent me twice to emergency room and guess what? they could not find nothing in my body. the put me on the strees treatmill and my hearth is excellent.
i'm living in canada and this happens to me only in winter time.
in my case so far the only thing that i do is to go to my bed lift up my feet use my blanket and lift up my head on my pillow and after 30 or 45 mins i'm ok.
i will visit my doctor and i will post results.
any solution or treatement, please let me know.thanks

01-02-13, 16:05
I get this to, usually when I get really anxious, also my legs twitch!! its even worse when I'm really tired :huh:

01-02-13, 16:10
This is what I've got!!! I seems to be constant in my face and head & usually legs. Usually starts mid afternoon & continues until I go to sleep. Had it for weeks & worse when I go into a hot room. sick of it. my feet and hands are always cold but its my face, neck & head that the heats the worse. want it to go away:weep:

30-09-13, 23:25
I had lots of trouble with this last winter, and now the weather is slightly cooler it's started happening again :( If it is anxiety I can't understand why it didn't happen at all during the hot weather? It seems to be when I warm up after having been cold, so I either stay cold, or get warm and have an uncomfortably warm face. I find that my face gets itchy as well but that might just be because it's hot? It also flushes red quite badly. I saw a doctor about it a couple of times last year and he told me it's nothing to worry about but didn't give me any advice about what to do!

10-02-16, 22:54
Hey I just got this last night for the first time and it has been going on all day since I woke up. I never had any anxiety that I know of could I be subconsciously anxious about something which Is causing this to happen?

10-11-16, 05:45
I hope I'm doing this right. I made a mistake to an administrator or something before. Anyways, for me: it's not 'boiling' hot about the face; my forehead can get dry from stress, or just hot from electric lights and temperature of the room, while my legs sometimes shiver. As old as this note is: why, some of it can be hyperthyroidism, maybe. :huh: :) None of the 'smiles' to choose from, go with exactly how I feel right now. Here ya go though/relaxed