View Full Version : Things on my mind

18-09-09, 17:41
I've been suffering what seems like panic attacks for two weeks now, the worst two weeks I've ever experienced. As well as the dizziness, palpitations, numb and tingly lips, freezing cold chills and my insides shaking I sometimes get a little flutter in my throat which I think is a missed heartbeat. I find this very scary as worried my heart might stop completely. Please reassure me.
Also I constantly have a very dry mouth and throat despite always drinking water and herbal teas. Any suggestions for a remedy for this?
Any advice appreciated.

18-09-09, 18:04
Hi M,

Thanks for your reply. I think I would feel better if I knew what I was dealing with. I'm sleeping great no problems there but I can't cope at work. Don't feel stressed or anxious have a lot of things to feel thankful for but my body thinks otherwise.
It's Friday and I would love a nice big glass of wine or two but afraid it will make things worse.

Keep well,


18-09-09, 19:18
Hey Junie,

All I can say to you is distract distract DISTRACT! You MUST take your mind off of it, (I know that's easier said than done!). It's the only way I can cope when having an attack. Also you should breath in for 3 and out for 5 when it's happening cos it calms your breathing too. I think you've probably had one panic attack and because it scared you so much, subconciously you keep thinking about it, worrying, and then bringing it on again.

It's blo0dy horrible but remember it will pass.

You should see if you can find a relaxation cd, cos they do work. Also the advice on this site is so helpful and the people are lovely. It makes you feel less alone!

Hope to speak soon.x

18-09-09, 19:35
Hi Madeline,
This site has been a godsend and the people are very helpful and reasuring. I have had what I would consider two full blown attacks both times ending up in hospital. I've also had a few more minor attacks but still scary. Every day more or less I seem to get some sympton or other.
I do feel a little more in control although every twinge I get fills me with dread. I'm amazed how people can get on with their every day life with this hanging over their heads.

Chat again,


18-09-09, 20:03
Hope your feeling better soon.

18-09-09, 20:26
Its horrible isn't it - but it will pass with time. Your heart will not stop! It'll be as strong as ever. My advice to you is to distract yourself when the palpitations start. Go for a walk. Do some housework. Don't let it stop you carrying on with your life. In time you'll notice that the palpitations fade into the background the more you ignore them. Accept that you are anxious at the moment and that when time passes and you will feel stronger, more able to cope and the symptoms will subside.
Take care

19-09-09, 00:02
Hi Junie

I get the flutter in my throat to and it scares me.

Like suggested get yrself a relaxation tape, over time they really do help.

I know its hard but i try and carry on as i normally would.

Exercise is also good

love mandie x

19-09-09, 02:34
I keep peppermint candies by the bed and also use Menthol throat losengers.. Not sure that is spelled correctly but its for sore throat. Also sometimes when its really bad Ill take an ice cold diet soda and it seems to soothe the throat