View Full Version : Dont know how 2 cope

anx mum
18-09-09, 18:10
Just been 2 doctors again cos im still getting awful headaches basically said im suffering from anxiety which is resulting in headaches and gave me 4 lots of tablets. Really im scared:weep: dont understand these headaches r there all the time.

18-09-09, 18:26
Hey there,what are the headaches like? I mean am not a doctor obviously but I could see if they are similar to mine and if you never guessed,I suffer anxiety! *hugs*

I hate feeling like you are getting fobbed off. It for me sometimes feels worse thant he actual ailment that I am worried about. xxxxx

18-09-09, 19:04
Honey you have had every test possible to determine anything sinister. The fact you are panicking & stressing suggests its tension headaches secondary to anxiety. If it was anything serious by now you know you wouldn't be here.

You know i understand what you are going through & the fact i had exactly the same symptoms resulting from anxiety should reassure you. However until i regained the confidence to move on, fight it & continue my normal life it ruled me. Thats just what you have to do, go out & continue your day as you always have & don't let it beat you cause until you do the headaches will remain!

Thinking of you x

18-09-09, 19:24
i am in a similar position to you anxmum although i have realised im suffering from a mixture of rebound headache and anxiety. I am actually maintaining the headache everyday by worrying if the rebound headaches will go away- this is a vicious cycle but i keep doing it! and consequently am the most depressed i have been in my life! i cry in bed all day it truely is awful.

you may be doing something similar by worrying about the cause of the headache which causes more headache.

ask yourself ............what are you doing to get rid of the headache?
write your answer in the next post and i will see if i can help.

all the best

anx mum
18-09-09, 20:28
Thanx for all your replies headaches r constant mainly on left side of head either feel like ive been banged on head or like my hair is being pulled. What r yours like?

18-09-09, 20:45
My headaches usually are on the left side and can be towards the back or feel like it is behind my eye. It can feel bruised when I press on it and have a tightness towards it xxx

anx mum
18-09-09, 20:52
Im taking painkillers tried appunture today even had my eyes tested trying 2 relax but finding it hard

18-09-09, 21:08
Try these:



anx mum
18-09-09, 21:25
THANKS NICOLA and that book ive ordered now my sis did it on her card

anx mum
18-09-09, 21:37
Thanks nicola them links were helpful x

18-09-09, 21:45
anxmum did the acupuncture relieve your headache at all.
i did that and found it quite relaxing. also have you tried high intensity exercise becuase that release seratonin and endorphines in your brain to combat pain.

if the docs say it is a tension headache exercise and lots and lots of relaxation with hydration will beat it.

go pamper yourself...........lets us know how you get on.

all the best

anx mum
18-09-09, 21:54
thank u for taking the time 2 reply really do appriete it. Gonna try and relax and hopefully in time it will go my nick name should be worry wart x

18-09-09, 22:24
OK so I don't need to send it now?

anx mum
19-09-09, 09:34
No but thanks for offering was nice of u x

19-09-09, 21:21
I know you've probably been told this before, but most headaches are caused by dehydration. Are you drinking enough water? Sorry if this has been said before, I'm new. xxx