View Full Version : cancer symptoms?

18-09-09, 18:39
hi everyone. i am 22 yr old male. recently ive been waking up feeling horrible and very weak. I havent been able to get a good nights sleep in about a week and have been having night sweats almost nightly. I have been coughing up green phlegm and my lungs have been hurting. also been having a sore throat. ive noticed that my weight fluxuates between a pound or two daily. can this be cancer? by the way, cancer does not run in my family.

18-09-09, 18:45
Hey, obviously im not doctor, but it sounds like it could be chest infection, the green phlegm and hurting lungs, etc. Id go to the doctors to get it checked if anything to at least ease your mind. Take Care, Debs xx

18-09-09, 18:58
I'm not a Dr. either - I'm totally going with debs180 - sounds like an infection that a nice dose of antibiotics would clear up. I'd go into the Dr. to have it checked out - not becuase I think there is something terrible wrong, more becuase I think they could give you something to make you feel better! Who wants to live coughing and hurting???

18-09-09, 19:15
I can't do anything else but agree with what folk have said love.

If you have a chest infection,antibitocitcs will sort that out in no time. Chest infections are awful things to have but easy to treat :) xx

20-09-09, 17:40
It does not sound like cancer at all. It sounds like a mild chest infection. Doctors arent concerned about the colour of what you cough up unless its large quantities of blood. It just sounds like me on a daily basis. No big deal.... plus my weight fluctuates by more than a pound each day. I think you sound fine persoanlly... maybe just a little run down x