View Full Version : can the doctor tell if you pregnant with a blood test

18-09-09, 19:11
my girlfriend over the last few weeks has been feeling very tired,and through this time she has been feeling very nauseous and being sick,she went to the doctors and they took some blood it was a full blood count they obtained,what will they be looking for and will pregnancy be one of them. please help i worried about her.

magpie girl
18-09-09, 19:46
Hi yes a doctor can tell if you are pregnant from a full blood count,they look at the enzymes if the levels are raised chances are your pregnant.Some times women may test negative if they do a pregnancy test(like me) so they do an enzyme test.

18-09-09, 23:51

It will only show up if the doctor has asked for a pregnancy test on the blood form.

as far as i am aware (i work in a dr surgery) a full blood count doesnt include a pregnancy check

mandie x

19-09-09, 02:02
You need them to check for it, most wont automatically do it. If she is then her HCG levels will be higher depending on how far along she is.