View Full Version : Day 18 Citalopram - whats gone wrong?

18-09-09, 20:20
Hi everyone, have posted a few msgs on this site and have found so v reassuring replies so wanted to try again as these last few days have been not good....tonite is esp bad.
i had [perhaps niavely] felt that Citalopram [20mg] for depression [1st time diagnosis] was starting to take some effect but now i feel back to square 1. i have just started my period today and was hoping the ladies might be able to tell me if this might be a reason for my general despair/sadness in my soul. I WILL persevere if this will pass, but does anyone think that by day 18 things should have begun to settle now?? is this just a 'blip'.....work has been a bit more stressful this week too, perhaps this is another reason [or should i just go to my GP - again! and consider another AD?] anyway any comments would be great. sorry for the long msg.....:blush:

19-09-09, 04:52
Citalopram does get worse before it gets better. I had been on them for about 4-5 weeks before I felt any real effect.

I also get worse around my period, I get really low and things just "get to me" a lot more easily.

Personally I'd give it a little while longer if you can and remember there is always someone here who will know what you are going through.

Carla louise
19-09-09, 08:12
Hi Waterfall, Cit does get worse before it gets better but I would definately attribute a lot of what you are feeling now to it being the time of the month. I hope you feel better soon chick X

19-09-09, 09:12
it tacks time. and period time is bad but just keep tacking citalopram. u will feel better. And if u need a sleep have one, just no your not alone we are here for u.

19-09-09, 10:36
Sorry you are having some bad days, they seem worse after you have had some good days too.

I am on sertraline another ssri.

It takes me at least 3 weeks before i feel the slightest bit of difference. I was told by my psychiatrist to expect bad days and not to over react to them as this builds the anxiety up again. Apparently this is the way recovery goes after depression.

This has been my second episode of depression, the last was 13 years ago, and i do remember that recovery then was very up and down. But even that knowledge seems to go out the window when i have a bad couple of days...lol.

I keep a log each day of my lowest anxiety/depression levels and my highest, how much sleep i have had and briefly any thing i had done that was outside my comfort zone i.e people visiting, tescos etc. I have made up a chart noting each day, so that overtime you can see the improvements as i find it difficult to remember how depressed of anxious i was 2 weeks ago making it hard to recognise any improvements that I have made.

And yes periods did seem to increase the symptom of these conditions for me
last time....don't have that problem this time :D

Take care, you will get there.

Sue xxxx :hugs:

19-09-09, 11:16
thanks ladies! day 19 has started with diarrohea [sorry to be so explicit!] and really increased anxiety. just a few more questions if that is ok....does this ever settle fully?? i mean every morning when i wake up i have a knot in my stomach - during the 2nd week this went away and i did feel 'normal' for good parts of the day [was able to get on the phone and chat with friends/meet up etc] but as i said these last 3 days TERRIBLE...i have lost a lot of weight which i know is worrying my family [and me]...if i could just believe that poss in another week or 2 there is a possibility i could get back to myself i would stick with it, but i just feel hopeless at the moment....

mum to three
19-09-09, 13:51
Hi i am on day 13 of 20mg cit and after a couple of good days i feel i have slipped back, im dizzy and shaky with headache and so agitated and anxious (something i never suffered before taking cit )although i have no energy to do anything the housework is starting to pile up around me and i feel im am stuck in a rut going nowhere, should i stick it out on this med or go back to GP ? take care everyone xxx

19-09-09, 18:02
I'm not on citalopram, but another AD - been on over 3 weeks and feel no better - I went to see my GP - he told me to give it another 3weeks before changing anything as ADs take time. Last time I had ADs I noticed a difference within a week. Id hang in there and see how it goes.

19-09-09, 18:23
Hi Waterfall :hugs:

I am wondering if starting your period has perhaps added to you feeling down and offside. I've been taking cit for some time, and yet when it gets to "that" time of the month, I do still get down days.

I think its worth hanging in there a little longer, I know its easy to say and difficult to do when you feel low, but I think the cit is probably still getting into your system. Everytime I went to see my gp during the first months of taking this med, I would say I felt not much difference, and my gp always said it can take a long while and not to expect dramatic alterations. In the end, I did need to raise my dosage to 40mg before I really felt a benefit, but I'm so glad I clung on and persevered with it :)

19-09-09, 19:20
Hi there im on 20mg citalopram and on week 6 and only last week have most of the ide effects begun to disappear. Was previously on them for nearly 10 years and they did work so very early days yet. All bad days turn to good and bad days then all good and the odd bad! Were all different....I read on the NHS site that if theres no improvement after 12 weeks you should change ads! So like i said early days...
Good luck love x

19-09-09, 19:28
thanks guys it really DOES help to get some support from others in similar situations - you have affirmed some anxieties for me so i will keep persevering for another wk at least....xx i will prob be on this again tho!!!

24-09-09, 21:13
I have noticed that during my peroid, even after taking Citalopram for three years at 40mg, I had higher anxiety levels.

I find I am very aware of the pain and discomfort in my body, and seemingly more so when I have my monthlies. I attribute this to one thing, hormone fluctuations which cause the uterine wall to spasm as well as your intestines....The hormone release also causes emotional issues, Muscle cramping/bloating/swelling as well as diarrhea. I find that the diarrhea or intense cramping will trigger a panic episode during this time.

I've also found I can somewhat avoid this by stoping the problems before they escalate. I usually take a half dosage of imodium or some other anti diarrhea medication, as well as tylenol instead of advil (which may cause stomach upset) Tylenol/paracetamol also works with the imodium , which assists in cramping. Drink lots of water, fluids, no caffeinated beverages. Heating pad or ice for topical cramping and rest. Usually if I stop the cramping, most times I avoid the panic attacks that seem to come with it and stop the cycle before it even gets to unpleasant.

Hope this helps!


26-09-09, 17:53
well its day 27 today and i am supposed to be going out with my sister and friend [this is my 1st outing on the ADs...eek!]
my palms are clammy as i type this...i am driving so as to avoid the temptation of taking a drink BUT v v nervous at the thought of having to be in a pub/club. my sis knows but not my friend - any advice for gettin through the event?
still feel up and down to be honest - my GP prescribed me 30mg [am currently on 20mg] - but thinking of sticking to the 20 til i get to 6wks at least??