View Full Version : REally worried about my ovarian cyst

18-09-09, 20:36
I posted prev about this last week having pain low donw on right side of my abdomen when I am walking around. I also have tingling in my pubic area and a very bad lower back ( I do have herniated discs in spine). I have recenlty move to a new area nd new Dr and saw a lovely lady dr this morning. She examined me and tested my hip and give me a good prodding and said in light of the back and leg pain and tingling she feels the pain is nerve pain. I did tell her I have a large right sided ovarian cyst which I developed about 6 months ago and have mri scan etc and told it was benign but will have it monitered. She said next time I see gyny they would scan me to see if it has grown etc.

BUT I am really freaking about this pain - I am worrying that the cyst is going to burst or strangulate or that its turned cancerous - I am over 40 and this is rare but possible hence they want to keep an eye on it.

I rang my gyny sec to see if I could get earlier appt than 22 oct but she said no fully booked- eek.

I have made another appt with lady Dr for tuesday aft to discuss my fears further - my cousin died of ovarian cancer earlier this year!

I am so fed up of worrying - the pain is bad enough but then to worry endlessly about it as well and I did google and loads of warning that for over 40's its best to have cysts removed in case.

18-09-09, 21:07
I have had a strangulated ovarian cyst when I was 28 and just after my first pregnancy. I was vomiting, sweating and shaking and the pain was terrible. It did ease a bit after my baby was born but 3 weeks later I went to the doctors and she sent me straight to the hospital for a scan and then I had to see the consultant the same afternoon. He said it was as big as a grapefruit. :ohmy: He said he would leave it two weeks to see if it went down but it didn't so he operated the week after and I had the cyst and my ovary and tube out. He told me after the operation that it had strangulated and had twisted on it's stalk and was cutting the blood supply off. I think there is a risk of piritonitus too.

I can't understand why they won't remove your cyst especially if you are worried about it.

18-09-09, 21:42
Hello countrygirl,

I can understand your concern, and of course it is difficult not to worry when you have constant pain. As you say, it is rare for cysts to turn cancerous, and it is so highly improbable this has happened since you were scanned and given the all clear only six months ago, so please try to bannish the thought of cancer. I do think the pain you are experiencing is very likely to be caused by the herniated discs in your spine.

I think you are wise to see your doctor again on Tuesday, because it will give chance to express your fears, and it sounds like you have a doctor you can relate to, which makes all the difference. You are being monitored carefully, so please trust that nothing sinister is going on, and that your cyst will be sorted out in the best possible way.

18-09-09, 21:59
Thanks both - lovely of you to reply. It is only 10 weeks since I had the mri scan which showed the cyst was benign - when I saw the gyny he said they would see me again in oct and if I wanted they could do a hysterectomy which would remove the cyst problem and also my dysfunctional peri menopausal bleeding problem as well or he said if my bleeding problem had settled down then they would just continue to monitor the cyst and any changes to the scan or the blood test and out it would all come!
I was happy with this until I got this pain and of course I always put two and two together and come up with five.
I will ask the Dr if she can get me back to gyny or send me for ultrasound to check for any changes- I have't seen this particular lady dr before so hope she is okay I have been told she is no nonsense???? I could be in for a nasty surprise.

18-09-09, 22:15

If it was only ten weeks since you had your mri and told the cyst was benign that is great - i would be absolutely happy with that news and trust completely there has definitely been no change.

I am sure you won't be in for any nasty surprises when you see the doctor. I know sometimes they can be dismissive about anxiety problems, but your worry is totally understandable, even to no nonsense doctors, and I am sure she will want to put your mind at rest.

19-09-09, 14:56
Thanks both - lovely of you to reply. It is only 10 weeks since I had the mri scan which showed the cyst was benign - when I saw the gyny he said they would see me again in oct and if I wanted they could do a hysterectomy which would remove the cyst problem and also my dysfunctional peri menopausal bleeding problem as well or he said if my bleeding problem had settled down then they would just continue to monitor the cyst and any changes to the scan or the blood test and out it would all come!
I was happy with this until I got this pain and of course I always put two and two together and come up with five.
I will ask the Dr if she can get me back to gyny or send me for ultrasound to check for any changes- I have't seen this particular lady dr before so hope she is okay I have been told she is no nonsense???? I could be in for a nasty surprise.
I think the cyst will be fine until you have your hysterectomy and you won't have to worry anymore.:hugs: I would love an hysterectomy then I wouldn't have to worry about ovarian cysts and things. I am going to ask my doctor if there is any chance of me having one - I doubt there will be though.