View Full Version : Which is the best drug for me?

18-09-09, 21:15
Hey everyone,
I know you must have read so many of these types of posts now, so sorry!

Without going into a 1,000 word essay here...

I have high and low moments. They normally last for a day or two, before changing. Most of the time I am either really depressed, or extremely happy and hyper. I don't really have a 'normal' state. Which I really miss...

I have had this problem for about 3ish years now. I am seeing a councillor about my problems with OCD, but he said he would have to refer me onto someone else.

I have two problems with this.
The person I will have to see is about 2 hours drive from me. And because I have College, Uni and work, I really do not have enough time to see anyone else.

I have tried to cope with this as best as I can over the past 6 months, and I have defiantly improved. I have heard that certian drugs can help you get back to 'normal'...

So my question is, which on (if any) of these would be best suited for me?


Thankyou in advice,

18-09-09, 21:33
Have you asked your g.p. about medication? There are so many and your doctor should be able to advise you which one might work for you. Why don't you make an appointment soon and speak to him/her. When I had ocd many years ago I was greatly helped by sertraline. I was terrified to take them at first but felt like a weight had been lifted from me and became much less anxious. I was lucky enough not to have side affects. I think there are many drugs though than can help with ocd. Please, talk to your doctor. Good luck! It can be overcome.


19-09-09, 04:48
I honestly can't advise on drugs as people are so wildly different what works for one might not for another.

Regarding your counsellor I'd bring up your concerns about the drive as a 2 hour drive seems a bit much esp if you have other commitments. You want therapy to work and if there is issues with even getting there (it would at least 5 hours out of your day). You need something that works for you not the consellor.

19-09-09, 10:23
That can be a daunting task for a psychiatrist, let alone folk on an internet forum, none of whom are (to the best of my knowledge) doctors.

You need to see a psychiatrist for such longterm problems in order to get a prescription tailored to you - even if you magically picked one off the internet, you need medical knowledge to regulate dosage, and to monitor any side effects. Sometimes, a combination of drugs is best for a person. Sometimes, no drugs is best. But always, (even if you are a doctor) you need to be professionally evaluated.