View Full Version : Strong Pulse Anyone else?

19-09-09, 02:34
Hey all, I have talked on here about my pulse before and i just need some reassurance.

Basically i took a really bad and my very first panic attack 8 weeks ago and since then i have had pains and aches everyehere.

One thing that really panics me more than anything is my really strong pulse! My neck and stomach visably pulsate and i feel my pulse everywhere! right now i have earphones in and i can see the lead of my earphones jumping around! I see my blanket move! my t shirt ! its really strong! 8 weeks ago it was never as strong as this!

I dont know why my pulse has gotten so strong! it does fade and get strong depending on the situation but is almost a constant. Whenever i walk outside or and type of physical activity or raised stress the pulsing gets really strong.

Even when i think im relaxed i get it.

I have no idea what it could be

I have been to my gp and a and e alot and i mentioned the pulse and i have had my stomach pulse check numerous times and listiened to and they said it was all ok.

I dunno what i could do to reduce it. I heard that exercise would maybe sort it out but im afraid to do it :(

The only way i could describe my sensations is this. You ever run or exercise for a long time and you feel your heart going and liek ur whole body is pulsing? thats what it is like.

Anyone got any advice?

19-09-09, 02:41
i commented on your ladt thread, the stomach pulse is normal i get it, try not to worry bout that if the docs say it is fine! :)

Also i'm exactly the same as you with the strong pulse, i was playing a game on my phone while itwas charging and the lead kept on moving with my heart beats, it was annoying, i've had my heart, stomach checked too and everything is ok, better to have a strong pulse than a weak one i say!

19-09-09, 02:46
Yea gaz it is very annoying! I know its normal to an extent but before i took my panic attack it was never as strong or as constant :O

I have no idea how to settle it .

I dont worry about it most days but it just happens at random times! i will feel it in the pit of my stomach and then BAM im thinking about it!

19-09-09, 02:56
i was exactly the same, had a really bad panic attack about 10 weeks ago, and since had all this anxiety, i am getting better i no longer feel ill or tired and have just started to stop worrying all the time, i did get the feeling in the pit of my stomach and bang i got the strong pulse, but it hasn't happened in nearly a week now so i think you'll over come it eventually once you really have got over all this madness ;D

19-09-09, 03:01
Yea, tell me about it! Anxiety is so annoying and most of the time im not even worried or anxious! i get a pain then i get worried lol. I dunno!

I have all this face,jaw and temple pressure! if it wernt for that and my pulse i would be fine!! grrrr!

You ever had the dry mouth, sore upper jaw face , temple pressure gaz? if so how did you get rid of it?

My doc has got my on decongestion tablets and nasal spray. I think my sinus is funny though.

19-09-09, 03:10
i had dry mouth all the time, i was drinking so much water it was crazy, i had pressure behind my nose and in the left side of my head, but i also had tonsulitus at the time, doc said it could also be mild sinusitus but the penicillin he gave me would sort it out, i dunno if it did but i started wearing my reading glasses full time and it all went away.

As for the dry mouth, it just seems to have lessened over time, i still get it but no where near as often as i used to.

19-09-09, 03:22
Yea it very strange! over the past 8 weeks i have been everywhere!

1. A&E 4-5 time lol lost count
2. Gp 3 times
3. Out of hours doctor
4. Dentist
5. Optician

I have had:

1. 4 blood tests
2. chest x ray
3. 4 ecg's
4. Serval checks on my stomach
5. several listiens to my chest.

Basically everything!

My face and temple pressure i think is down to my sinus ! It also could be down to my face muscles being so tense . Same thing with the pulse!