View Full Version : Incapacity Benefit Stopped - Help..Updated

26-10-05, 12:47
Hi guys,

Well i have been doing well, been ill the last few days so felt low but know its only beacuse i am feeling ill...

Anyways, i had a medical at the job center in sept because i am on incapsity benifit. I got a letter today with the results and they have stopped my benifit as of today - this has brought me way down.

I have gone through the whole list of yes/ no answers which they have ticked - at least 5 of them are incorrect - they have said i cope fine in chage (wrong) that it wasnt my mental health stopping me working (wrong!) etc etc.

Im got my self into a right state about it, i tried calling them but they are busy and i know i wont take anything in which they say anyway. My fiance is coming home soon and were gonna go thrught it and he's gonna call them.

They have not based there conclusion on any evidence from my doc (they admitted this in the letter). I am now worrying about moeny etc esp as its coming up to xmas.

Do they think we want to be like this and claim off them?? I know full well i would rather be able to work, but i also know that i am by no means ready.

I am not able to go into even small places alone yet - I have a positive attitued towards it since my anxiety course but it somthing i really need to work on, so but no means am i ready to be out there and working.

I havnt driven since Dec - im working on this soon , but public transport is not an option.

Theyve stopped my benifit as of today. Im worried that its going to have to go to an appeal etc etc.

This is not somthing that i need right now at all.

I know it may not sem a big deal but to me it is, Its not as if i am making a freudulant claim!! The moeny i get goes towards my house bills etc. It means that we will now have to find an extra 270 a month from somewhere - thats is such a lot of moeny and im so so worried.

Tatty B xx

26-10-05, 13:50
Hi Tatty B

Sorry to hear about this. It all seems to depend on the doctor you get doing the assessment. This happened to me once for a different disability benefit I get and it did have to go to appeal.

You could contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau (http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/) for help and advice. We have a local advice centre here and an advisor from there completed all the forms for me and represented me at the appeal hearing.

I hope you manage to sort this out. Are you entitled to any other benefit while the appeal is sorted out? Citizens Advice could help with this too.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

26-10-05, 13:51
Hi Tatty Bear,

This happened a few years ago to me when I was claiming incapacity benefit. You need to appeal against the decision and you will probably have to attend a tribunal. I was lucky and had the decision overuled and had the money dated back. What really winds me up is the amount of people who are fraudulently claiming benefit and are fit to work but cant be bothered get everything, then the likes of use who are genuinely ill and want to work dont.

Maybe It was because I didnt have a satellite dish on my house :)

Get the appeal forms filled in a.s.a.p as it can take quite a while.

Good Luck


26-10-05, 13:57
Thanks Karen & Paul,

Paul - i compleatly agree - theer are some poeple who get away with benifit fraud etc and its just not fair on us who genuinly are cliaming.

Im feeling low anyway cos im ill, and now i have the extra pressure and worry of where im gonna find the extra money from each month :( A few good things hapend last week and my finace and I joked that somthing was bound to go wrong ...and this is obviously it.

My fiance is really angry with them, im still waiting for him to get home as he's had a lot on at work.

Ive no idea if im entitled to any other benifits at all - i guess i'll have to look into it and find out :(

Tatty B xx

26-10-05, 16:42
Hi Tatty,
You could try going back to your GP and see if they will write a letter to them about it, and do look at appealing.

Once they have made a decision they will stick by it until you appeal unfortunately.
Don't give up on it at all.

I was incapacity benefit for a while and when I was planning on returning to work, I wrote them a letter and made a telephone call to tell them that I was going back to work.
Which they replied to and adjusted my money and when I increased my hours again, I did the same and eventually my money stopped.

I received a letter a few months ago, and they accused me of being a fraud, that I hadn't told them i was back at work and had to repay quite a few 100 quid, (which I didn't have as I was and still only part time, so my pay isn't able to stretch chucking my money about!)
I was absolutley mortified as I (and all of my family) are civil servants, and have never done anything illegal (well except drinking under age when I was a teenager - tut tut- and speeding a little now and again!!!) so I wouldn't have jeopodised mine or their jobs by doing something as bad as what they were accusing me of.

I was in tears when i read the letter as I had done everything in my power to let them know I was back in work.
I appealed and thankfully they dropped the repayment, but I was still so worried about being accused of being a fraud.
I rang my local office up and they told me there had been a clerical error and that it was just a standard letter they sent out to everyone who appears to have been overpaid.

My advice is to keep every letter/ telephone call/ appointment with them noted down just in case. It shouldn't happen but just in case it does!!!!

Just keep at em girl!!!!!


26-10-05, 16:54
Thinking about you Tatty and hoping you get it sorted soon.

Love Piglet

27-10-05, 08:39
Thanks looby and piglet,

My fiance called them yesterday afternoon, we've downloaded the GL24 form i need to fill in to appeal and my fiance is going down the the CAB this morning to get some advise and help with it all.

I def wont give up as im so angry about it all now , and still a bit panicky.

Theyve not gone on any evidence from my doctor - which i know full well will support my claim. Util it goes to apeal i should be entitled t o a reduced rate of pay, and then if my apeal is won, they will back date my pay.

Im just so grateful my fiance has stepped in and is loking after is all so i dont have the hassel...fingers crossed everyone and i will let u know how i get on.

Tatty B xx

27-10-05, 10:35
Fiance has just been to citizen advice beureu, they have said itseems like a clear cut case and that DWP have made a mistake.

We now have to put our appeal in, get evidence fro as many people as poss (my doctors and psychiatrist) and then go from there.

They might overide the decision straight away or it may go to appeal.

I am not entitled to anything in the mean time and it could take up to 6 months - so looks like we're gonna have to try and found extra money from somewhere :( as i'll now have no money coming in, but have a loan of £110 to pay each month from a few years ago...

Thanks for all your support xx

Tatty B xx

27-10-05, 12:13
good luck hun,

I am sure it will all get sorted as soon as.

Take care and keep your chin up.


27-10-05, 12:53
Hope it works out well for you Tatty .


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

01-11-05, 14:58

been to docs today and he will be writing me a letter to help me apeal against it.

I had an apointment at my psychiatrist 10 days ago and they have said i dont need to go back - which i suppose is good as i feel my depression is lifting - its just my anxiety now.

My doc read me the letter my psychiatsrist had written, and it basically says i am postive and my course has helped me with my anxiety - true - and that i only ocasionally feel anxious somtimes when i go out - this isnt true at all and i just pray that this dosnt go against me [V]

Im feeling a little low since going to the docs as i now feel a little bit abandoned and feel that maybe now he is doubting how i feel [V]. my anxiety course has finished, my phsychiatrist consultaions have finished and now my benifits been stopped - and it feel a bit scary to be honest. i know i am not fit to work, as im not confident enough to go out alone yet, or in places with people - but my course has helped and has given me lots to work on, but it just feels as thoughh im now expected to be cured and back to normal - and its not like that. I need the time to work on things and build up my confidence to get through this.

Sorry that ive rambled - i just feel quite lo and a bit at a loss of what to do.

Tatty B xx

02-11-05, 00:39
Sorry this has happened. Sounds like you have a lot of support behind you, but it still isnt fair after you have being doing so well.

If i can do anything to help let me know and i am sure what you are entitled to will be sorted out soon hun.

Text me if you want me to call you anytime.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

05-11-05, 16:59
its all a setup that medical, impossible to pass if u go u will most likly lose your benifet.
i went for one start of the year it seems its based on points, u get points u see for everything thats wrong with you. apparantly anxiety is not a bad enough problem to keep your benifet. one needs to be so brain damaged or incapacitated to get through this medical , its unreal. o and i got a letter yesterday from the dss demanding 125 pound for overpaid benifet while i was awaiting the tribunal decision pathetic!.

06-11-05, 11:22
Hi Nicky...

yep it is on a points system...although about 5/6 questions they had ticked no when they should be yes (duh).

Im looking into any possiblities of working from home - If im honest i owuld prefer t be working than relying on benifits, but im not yet reday to be able to go out at work, so just looking into my options .

Tatty B xx

06-11-05, 15:08

i'm the same. i would prefere to work but the state i get myself in i woild ruin any job i got out of my house, i still look tho just incase something good comes i could do.

07-11-05, 03:19

This is so wrong but typical of the dss, there's still too many people, doctors, people in power that dont believe depression/anxiety is for real or dont take it serious enough. it's about time this was taken serious as an illness like any other.

I hope it all goes your way Tattybear


"Life's a roller-coaster and I am not strapped in"

07-11-05, 11:00
Thanks Alan,

It does seem as tho we do get a rough deal with anxiety / depresson as it is a mental illness, so i guess they judge us differntly, as they cant physically see whats wrong - so maybe doubt us when they shouldnt.

Picking up my doctors note tomorrow and then will write my appeal to send in...fingers crossed.

Tatty B xx

08-11-05, 01:35
sorry to hear about your problem with your benefit. I to think its a joke.
i have just filled out my incapacity form as they are reviewing it again, In it it says about attending a medical. Ive wrote and told them theres no way i can go. My anxiety is now woarse than what it was when i first went on the benefit, its so bad that i dont leave the house, going anywhere petrafies me. After reading all this i will be intereasted to see what they say!!!

Hope you get it sorted

Take care

08-11-05, 10:52
jen u have no option but to go. the medical is a complete joke i would insist on your own doctor take the medical.
i recently put in another claim since i lost my incap benifet at the start of the year because of a unfair test IMO i was asked questions not related to why i was claiming benifets and got a realy low score despite the fact i got serious anxiety issues.
i think they will send me back to another one before i get a penny , god i hate this crap.

08-11-05, 15:33
I think there needs to be a new system put in place. How do they expect me to drive 30 miles to a medical as thats the nearest to me, when i cant even leave the house, my doctor can confirm it. I dont know what im giong to do if they call for me to go .

08-11-05, 18:17
well if i have to go to another one im refusing to see anyone else but my doctor or somebody familiar with me.

i just got back from a doctos appointment and i explained to him about this medical assesment, he agreed that if u get the letter to go most likly u will fail it.

id like to know if anyone here has passed this medical or knows of anyone who has cause from experience its ****** impossible to score enough points to keep getting money.

08-11-05, 21:34
Hi Nicky

Last year i had the medical as i was called for and i passed it, infact i didnt even get half way through it before it was stopped and he said to me there is no way im fit for work and he actually phoned up central office and made a recommendation that i dont get looked at for at least a year.
They have now sent out their forms saying we need more information on your condition and maybe required for another medical, so i filled them out and told them im woarse than before so now im waiting. My concern is that if i get called i know i cant go as like said i cant leave the house!!.
If i were you i would demand your doctor does the medical to if its required, at the end of the day its your doctor who knows you the best and has your notes . I dont think it should be done the way it is, its unfair.

take care

08-11-05, 23:21
I think that if they give you benefits they should offer free treatment! Pay you to be off sick and help you get better as well.

I have to go to a CBT assessment tomorrow and my problem is driving and I have to drive an hour to get there. However I cannot give up the opportunity so I will do it just to get help.

Remember we also have to help ourselves to get help - hard as it is.


11-11-05, 19:27

Just my experience on this. I had to go for a medical 2 years ago. That was bad enough as i could not go far from the house and i was a total mess on the day. At that time i was drinking alot and had drink in my bag but did not tell the doctor as i felt ashamed. A few days later my results came back and i had 9 out of the 10 that you needed to qualify to keep my ICB. I had to live on half pay, find someone to represent me at the appeal place, again a distance from my house. I did get it over turned. My feeling on this is we know we are suffering and intitled to the money but for anyone else who is going for these tests please lay it on thick, take drink with you and say you have to have a drink before you can even leave the house and that you drink heavely to cope. I was told that if i had told them i had drink in my bag all would off been ok and i would not of had to go through all that stress. The goverment is trying to get as many people of ICB as possible and will do they can you have to play them at there game. So you might be like me ashamed that you suffer with anxiety and try and play it down. DONT. Honestly its not worth the stress off not passing the test.

Take care


12-11-05, 11:07
Thanks for everyone's comments and support.

It took my doctors 10 days to do the letter [Sigh...] but we picked it up yesterday and its a full A4 letter and is really supportive of my case - i was worried in case it wasnt gonne be very detailed or anything, but it really was and I am feeling a little more postivie about it.

My fiance and I will sit down this weekend and write my case against it to be sent off - I will keep you all informed.

Luckily my fiances company have given him a Christmas bonus, so that will take away a bit of financial strain for a couple of months, which is a relief.

Pauline - soz to hear what happened, but glad it all worked out for you.

I dont think i played down my answers - i answered what they ask me honestly, which is always the best way, and from that they've draw conclusions to other questions which have gone against me and are answered incorrectly.

Yep, im sure i couldve gone in there and said im not able to do this..this etc etc and lied about how I domanage to look after myself and my home, but I dont think it wouldve got me anywhere - I wanna be honest in how I am, i think if i'd of lied, i would feel majorly guilty and it would generally make me feel a lot worse!! I have enough problems I dont wanna lie and say i have more!

Anyways, will kepe you all updated.


Tatty B xx

12-11-05, 11:56
Hi Tattybear

I hear what your saying and who wants to lie. But if you are anything like me and alot off anxiety sufferers we try and cover things and well its not like a broken leg is it that everyone can see, mental illness is so much more.

The govement have made the tests so much harder as it is their mission to get as many people of ICB as possible. You have to know how to work the system. You are now suffering and so will alot more poeple you are lucky you have someone who can help you i never had anyone there was me and 3 kids and they had a mum who was not sleeping and just getting so totally stressed out by it all. So i wrote that post for the ones out their who just might be going for their tests. I know this much i only wish someone had told me at the time.

take care


12-11-05, 12:09
Ps Just another thought. I was like you, thought i know how bad i am all will be ok. I had not slept properly for weeks waiting for the appointment and was shaking so much. But that was not enough and it most certainly was not worth the stress of losing my money and waiting for the appeal to be heard. If someone had told me what i have said in my posts i would off done it. Because no way was i lieing about how bad i was. At that time i was a totally mess and yet i still lost my appeal. I am so much better now, and do work and pay my own way. But if i felt i needed to i would go on ICB again which i just might have to as i have been over paid by the tax credits and also been over paid child tax credit and just the other day i got a letter saying i have been over paid tax credit by my employer and they want it all back. None off this was my fault so i am appealing but the pressure off it all is really getting to me and i have been told i might as well go on the sick or not work at all. But i love to work.

Take care

28-11-05, 19:31
Well, the benefits peeeps have recived my appeal...spoke to my doc about it today and he was disgusted that it may take up to 6 months...hes written me a new sick note to send in as ive been worse these past 2 weeks...so finger crossed.

Tatty B xx

20-02-06, 18:59
Just to update ::

I have recived my appeal papers (ie the papers for their case against me) and its made me so angry:(

It seems like they are clutching at straws!

1. basically because i dont get angry, I should be able to go and and deal with situations.

2. I did not seem anxious at the medical - what a joke eh?! i realy wish these epople would feel how we do just for a few moment to realise what we do go through. I try to control my anxietty as best I can, beacuse if i let myself panick, it makes the situation worse - just cant win!! Maybe they shouldve checked my heart rate etc at the medical!!

3. Because I left my job end august 2004 but didnt see doc until nov 2004, they are trying to use this against me - I have no idea why. I have not tried to or have no claimed any benifit other tha from the first time I saw my doc in november! I have no idea what relivence that time has?? I wasnt in a good frame of mind at that time, and so tried to hide how i was feeling.

Theyve said that i do not qualify for the benifit as my condition does not resitric me from carrying out a specific job - yet they said themselves that i do not leave the house alone etc...[Duh!]

Its just really frustrating!

My fiance has tried all day to call CAB but our branch has been engaged all day (?!)so he'll get that sorted this week, and get somone from there to represent me at the hearing.

My doctor is backing me all the way, so that is good.

Its just so frustrating and annoying that it has got to this stage.

Tatty B xx

20-02-06, 23:26
Wil text you tomorrow to see how you are. Always here if you want to talk.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

21-02-06, 10:22
Thanks Sal hun,

WIll text you later xx

Tatty B xx

21-02-06, 10:42
Good luck Tat - I think its disgusting the way you have been treated and I hope it gets sorted out soon properley.

love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

21-02-06, 10:59
if you are a hardcore drug user than you get benefits no problem
depression/anxiety you have to prove it

21-02-06, 11:03
Hi guys,

Thanks for your replies and support :)

The whole thing is so daunting. If it wasnt for my fiance I dont think I could mentally fight this one. I guess that that would be what the benifits peple want - im sure there are a lot of people who get to this stage but just cant go any further is they dont have support etc, luckily I do.

There was an artical in my local paper just before Christmas, a guy had been on the same benifit, but had a medical and supsequently had his benifit stopped and is going to apeal etc, so I know that it is happening unfairly to others too. This guy had physical problems but wasnt even examined at the medical!

I will keep you all posted as to how it goes.

Tatty B xx

02-03-06, 20:26
Just to update:

My fiance went in to see CAB.

They were great, and altho they will not be able to give us free legal aid (because of my partners wages) they still sat down with him and told us our next steps etc.

They also got us an extention for when we send the appeal form back.

We have been told to reques a Domiciliary hearing, as due to my anxiety, I wont be able to deal with going to the appeal etc, so this way it means they come to my home to do it [Ugh]. Have picked up letter from my doctor today to back up this.

The appeals office and still say no to this, in that case my fiance will have to represent me.

We've also been advised to write up a history report on myself - medical and work etc to help with the appeal.

The lady at CAB said she wished she couldve fought the case for us as she thinks the benifits people are compleatly wrong.

Will keep you updated!

Tatty B xx

03-03-06, 00:08
Sorry missed the post.

Thinking about you and you know where i am hun xxx

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

23-03-06, 19:22
Hiya I know Im new but I have been a lurker for sometime, not really feeling strong enough to post on here, but I found this thread yesterday and had to register.

Im claiming Incap too, for panic disorder and depression with social phobia thrown in for good measure. Incap sent me a letter the other day saying that I had to attended a medical today and i read through these posts last night and ive been in panic mode all morning worrying about what will happen.

I made it tho, my mum came with me and I went in I was in there for 30 mins, I took in a typed up sheet of what I suffer from so I wouldnt forget anything, as i get flustered and forget what i need to say.

He was very friendly patient and slow. It was a huge help having my mum there too.

I dont know how it went I have to wait to find out too but my mum reckons that we walked it, im not so sure.

I cant type anymore i have a banging headache but I thought id say that this thread had me prepared and i can honestly recommend to anyone else that you take someone with you, and if anyone wants to see the list i took (WHICH HE PHOTOCOPIED WHICH I THOUGHT WAS GOOD) then just drop me a PM.

Ill walk over to the intro section and introduce myself at some point im really sorry if me butting in here seems a bit rude.

Good luck tatty ill be interested to see how you get on *hugs*

Claire x

23-03-06, 19:30
Hey Thanks for dropping by.

Why don't you post it here for the benefit of all those to come and read in the future



proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

23-03-06, 21:34
Hiya Meg:D

Here it is I hope its readable and makes sense. [:I]

What I feel

• Forgetful / memory is bad
• Hyperventilate
• Dizzy spells daily, worse in an attack
• Heart palpitations daily worse in an attack
• Eyes – Blurry and odd colour in my eyes
• Ears ringing sometimes knocking sounds
• Tummy pains
• Shakes – in my hands and legs sometimes cant walk properly or hold things even worse in an attack
• Hot and cold sweats in an attack
• Seat a lot when I go outside, in shops or am in new situations
• Headaches – I get headaches very regular
• feel all foggy in my head daily
• feel not real and spaced out
• I often cry that I will never be the same again
• Depressed and down
• Emotionally drained.
• Panicky feeling in my chest all the time
• Fatigue and sleepiness I sleep a lot and take naps and still feel tired. Sometimes just doing the ironing makes me tired. Tired all the time
• Light-headedness
• Difficulty concentrating
• Startled easily, I jump a lot makes me get panicky
• Feel teary
• Irritability
• Anxiety
• no motivation Lack of energy
• Paranoid thoughts – that I care what people think of me, that they can see im panicking, that they might think im on drugs.
• Feeling of hopelessness
• Loss of appetite
• Disturbed sleep
• Avoiding people / social situations
• Don’t like blushing in public
• Don’t like crowds, shops or queues
• I don’t like being watched these make me panicky
• Don’t like new situations

I get dizzy and stumble sometimes fall over. i find walking with the pram helps. This varies day to day. Bad days I don’t go out.

Sometimes I get tired or dizzy and have to lie down.

Lifting and carrying
I have no streanth to tie my own shoe laces at times. This varies day to day.
I stutter and can forget what I am about to say or just mumble

I can walk up stairs but some days this makes me feel very tired. Or I can’t face them so I use the lift instead.

Sometimes I can’t hold things I get too shaky varies day to day

Eyes blurry I get coloured dots all the time


Can’t stand too long get dizzy and need to sit or lie down

I can’t hear well; I don’t know if its part of my condition. ****led. Ringing knocking sounds sometimes

I feel scared
Don’t like going out on my own
Repeat myself a lot
I feel stressed
When I cant cope I go to my mums
Alone and isolated
ive got grey hair and im only 27 I feel this is due to stress
I get panicky on the phone

25-03-06, 10:31
Have recived a letter today from saying that the chairman has decided against my request for a domiciliary hearing (where they have it at my home as i wouldnt be able to cope with hearing somwhere else) :( Its so frustrating that they can do all this, it goes against all my doctors advice to them, as i got a letter from him supporting my pleae for a domicilary hearing.

The next stage now is to wait for a hearing date. My fiance will have to now attend on my nehalf.

Tatty B xx

05-11-08, 17:43
I too am at my wits end and dont know what to do. Life doesnt seem worth living at the moment as I have done everything by the book and have never cheated any system. I have been working since I was 15 and only worked part-time when I had my children. (am 58yrs old now) I had an accident in January carrying something heavy at work and injured my back. I now have a progressive prolapsed disc and also bad knees. I cannot walk far and have to use a mobility scooter if I have to go to town, but panic when I have too. My company stopped my SSP on August 18th and didnt tell me, so by the time I found out and phoned Incapactiy Benefits office, a whole month had gone by. I filled out the form they sent and sent in all papers they needed to see. I have just heard back from them saying that because I didnt pay enough stamps I cannot get Incapacity Benefit.
The DLA turned me down first time and I have had to appeal against their decission. My depression is getting worse and today I sent my husband a tx saying I just couldnt go on anymore like this. I have done nothing but fill in forms, see doctors and send off wage slips and bank statements. I have played by the book but just cannot see an end to it. I wish I had never had this blasted accident. Im sooooooo tired and fed up with it all. Is there any help out there. Im not a bad person and just need some money so I can pay off MY debts and MY direct debits. My husband has just had his hrs cut to 22 and 1/2 so I cannot ask him for money. I wish I had the guts to cheat the system like alot of people I know but Ive never cheated in my life and dont want to now! Thank you for listening to the rantings of an old woman.

05-11-08, 18:07
Hi Tatty

Sorry to hear about your medical being messed up.

Jen, if you are agoraphobic ask your doctor to write a letter saying that this is what you have and you cannot leave your house. I have done this twice and was not needed to attend the medical. They just carried on paying my income support.


22-01-09, 16:13
New ESA {Old IB}
