View Full Version : SPIKES(image's - thought's) - Anxiety - Pure O OCD

26-10-05, 13:11
Dose any one els here get a spike's image's or thought that instantly kick start anxiety. Every one get spike's but not every one get scared of them. Spike have nothing to with the person you really are but thay can be prety out there and scary. i was reserching Pure O OCD and came across the term spike that seem to decribe what go's on inside my head that sets on my general anxiety. If you ignore spikes that get less scarey but if you shout STOP at them (like I have alway done) thay increase in intensity. I thought i just see if any one els get spike's.

I have alway gotten them but the got less intense some time and them more intense other time's. Thay recently got intense again and felt like rocking and banging my head to stop them. I now on luvox which has stop the really intence negative one's. I still have not talk about the spikes yet as I was so scared i was insane for having them. I feel better knowing ther info out there about them and that i;m not insane for having them but thay are still not very nice and if ever to stop my anxiety i have to desenceatise my self to these spike.

Example's of spike's

# A heterosexual man is making love with his wife when the name of his male best friend happens to flash through his mind.
# A loving mother spots a pillow and has a momentary apprehension of infanticide.
# A young bachelor checks a mirror prior to a date and feels a surge of confidence, but shortly afterward cannot recall what exactly led to that feeling of pride.
# An aspiring painter glances at one of her works and experiences a sense of insecurity about her abilities.

The info i have found say that the best way to desenceatise you self the spike's is if you get a spike like say thing like yer I i will smother my boby with pillow ect. I think that sound bad's but it kinda make sence to me cause when I'd have spike and tell my partner what i was scared of doing he would mak thou's sort of coment's to me with a smile on his face he was joking with me but it msde me feel better I stop thinking about the spike and started think more about how I would really react in the situation.