View Full Version : Hi fellow worriers!

19-09-09, 11:22
Hi there everyone! Well a little bit about me! im 21 years old, and have had panic / anxiety for nearly 3 years. I feel as though im in a constant state of worry more or less all of the time! My main fears are health fears and i have self diagnosed myself with just about every sinister health issue known to man. (Thanks Dr Google!). Each time i go to the doctors they more or less laugh and say your a healthy young girl bla bla bla we have no reason to believe you have lung/ throat/ brain cancer etc etc. Great for a while until the next mysterious illness comes on! At the moment ive got a feeling of the right side of my esophagus (sorry) is blocked with pain in my chest and back. doc said im fine yet its still here.... has anyone ever got out of this world of worry ??? im desperate to go back to 'normal' i used to be so happy what the hell has gone wrong i sometimes feel at the end of my tether ! its one 'cancer' after another!! sorry for the long post but i just get so fed up sometimes of it all :weep:

19-09-09, 11:44
A huge warm welcome to nmp,

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

best wishes

di xx

19-09-09, 11:48
Hello and :welcome:

there are lots of people here who feel just as you do, this is a great site , and there is plenty of support here and loads of kind people who understand what you are going through.

best wishes

P x :flowers:

19-09-09, 13:32
Hi Victoria,

i am new to this forum but i am already feeling the benefits -:) iam sure you will do to-:)

Take care