View Full Version : Anxiety and how it effects your memory

26-10-05, 13:28
Hi all

Was just wondering if its common for your memory to go to the dogs if you suffer from anxiety DP and DR. I find that a memory that once used to be very good, now comes across as very vague, and i find it difficult to remember things in the short term. Foe example taking the bus home, I try and remember my day and everything seems joined into one, I cant differentiate between what happened, everything seems muddled and vague. If I look back about a year I find it difficult to remember anything, and it makes me doubt myself, i seems to forget what type of person i was then...you knwo how it is, basically it is very difficult to explain any feelings with anxiety, but it feels like im lost in my own head, my own world, and everything seems flat...everything seems a blur....

please Help


26-10-05, 13:39
Hi Alfie:D

I think its quite common to have this memory problem. Anxious people naturally allow everything to build up into huge problems inside their minds and we don't break things down into manageable pieces. It must be hard for our brains to function properly with all this 'madness' going on inside!!
When I'm at my most anxious I feel sort of floaty around other people and distant, I feel like I don't belong and as you said 'lost in my own head'. Your certainly not alone with these feelings.

Jem xxx

26-10-05, 14:08
Hi Alfie

Welcome to the forum. Memory problems are common as the emotional arousal from anxiety makes it difficult to think clearly and when anxious so much time is spent focusing on the negative thoughts that there isn't much room for anything else.

Have a read of the First Steps (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=firststeps) and Symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=symptoms) articles.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

26-10-05, 14:10
Hi Alfie.

I too suffer with Derealization. I can relate to everything you said. Just to let you know your not alone and that your symptoms are all anxiety based. Your probably focusing inward too much and need to be focusing outward more. I have found that this is very hard to do but it can be done.


26-10-05, 16:25
Hi Alfie,

My names erm..... I've fogrotten!!! ;) sorry couldn't resist.

I have suffered from anxiety and depression for what feels like a life time.
I forget things all the time, sometimes my short term memory goes and I cant remember what I had just done or said.
I have even had conversations with my boyfriend, which I can never remember, but he has got on to this now, and likes to make things up sometimes which is really mean!!! but unfortunately for some, (I know it can offend some people!) we both try and make a joke out of it as we have been through so much poo together!
Try not to worry, as sometimes forgetting things can be a benefit to you!

I also drift off to a completely other world, even mid conversation. I don't know I'm doing it or how long i've been "away". I think that may be the meds though.
Take care, and keep your chin up love.


26-10-05, 16:35
Yep, memory probs here as well. I also suffer from DR/DP.

26-10-05, 16:54
Thanks for the help guys, really a big help...

If I had to go onto medication would this take away the dp/dr and at least give me my mind back which feels trapped? Once the anxiety has gone, does this mean all would be back to normal - basically is it DEF the anxiety, and not something I will have forever????

Thanks again guys, very much appreciated

Alf x

26-10-05, 22:50
Hi Alfie
try not to worry so much about this memory problem, it is just another symptom of anxiety, the more you try to remember the worse it will seem, anxiety does that, it makes us focus on the things we would hate to happen, or dread happening, in this your case, it sounds like loosing your memory frightens you so therefore the anxiety has found just another thing to drive you into more panic, i know i'll sound flipant here but do try and relax and try to say to yourself so what if i can't remember some things, if you were loosing your memory for real, you wouldnt be this aware of it :o)

take care
sharon xxxxx

27-10-05, 11:51
I can totally relate to what you are saying. Personally, I didn't feel unreal until I started taking Prozac. But, yeah, it's an anxiety thing. All the adrenaline buzzing round in your head makes it very hard to concentrate, which means that you don't absorb information as readily as others. I also find that if I'm having a conversation with somebody I either drift off while they're talking, hear my own words and feel very conscious and unreal about what I am saying or I feel quite panicky and anxious.

The most frustrating thing for me is that I know that I haven't been well for 3 years, yet 2 years ago (when I was probably at my worst), I didn't have much problem driving on motorways or going away from home, yet I do now. I don't remember there being any break in my illness, so how come I didn't feel too ill when I did that?!

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

27-10-05, 12:18
Yes it is very common both to find your memory is slower and that you can't concentrate as well or make decisions quickly.

Not sure where to post (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3583)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

27-10-05, 12:58
I think it's coz you are kinda spaced out and not very focussed.

Which is in a way a very clever way of coping on our bodies parts, just a tad frustrating too and unnerving when out and about.

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!

27-10-05, 16:27

I have not had memory loss as such but I can go down road to buy three items of shopping for example get two and remember almost immediately that I have forgot something OR I have left the house and I worry that I have left something on or the door is not locked I have to go back and check sometimes more then once.

Through this site and messages we will beat this hope you feeling better


28-10-05, 10:56
I have 24/7 Derealization.

My memory is vague and detached, specially short term, it is almost like things are not writing to my memory, I think it is very common with people like us.

Am I Awake? Or Still Dreaming?

28-10-05, 11:25
I had really bad memory before i finaly went on to med's again some day i was scared that I may of had stroke or something cause i I couldn't even get the name's of my kids right. I couldn't remember that I needed to get something out of the cupboard but i was in the fridge instead and I'd be standing there wondering what i was looking for. I'd walk back and forth around my kitchen and then realise I hadn't done anything at all and 15 min had passed and was struggling to remember that I was in the kitchen for brackfast. i be specking and mid sentance I couldn't speak nothing would come out of my mouth. I couldn't even remember how say word's or what word I was meant to be saying. My word seem to jumble together and sound bakward's. I be talking one word at a time trying to make sure I said it right and it made sence and it felt like I was so hard to speak. I end up getting so frustrated that i would swear so much that I felt like I had teret's or something. Swear word and bad word would come out so easy but nothing els would come out my mouth. This happen really bad in the kitchen but it was not the only place it happen. It would happen when i became worried about what I was talking about and who I was talking to and when my kids were being very chalenging.

I'm feeling so much better now my memory is not playing tricks on me and my word are flowing so fast that i have to remember to breath lol:D I can talk and can talk fast with out feeling like I'm tripping on my word's or slurring them. I'm not trying to not to laugh anymore.

30-10-05, 09:30
what was it we were talkin about? :D