View Full Version : panic is back!

april tones
26-10-05, 14:50
hi, my panic is back after over a year. i have had a few times and then recently after having my son which was treated. just lately i have been stressed, biting down on teeth, more tired then out of blue feeling panicky! i had a panic attack today like i did 4 years ago when they were bad!!!! i know what triggered me feeling bad it was the bird flu and press. i feel im not worrying as much about it but anxiety is worse. i had the feeling i was in a dream walking down street, felt a whoosh and like i was shutting down. i had this years ago, horrible! was that derealisation or something like that? thanks x


Tan The Man
26-10-05, 16:02
Hi April

So sorry to hear that you have had a panic attack. But as you say it is due to you being under more stress than usual. So it is just an unwelcome blip.

Take some time out to relax and not pay too much attention to the bird flu hype. I'm sure you will settle down again.:D

Take Care

april tones
26-10-05, 23:57
hi tan, thanks for your post. feeling much better tonight. have been laughing, not had another one!c


27-10-05, 06:50
Hi, glad this one passed.... A few weeks ago, I had my first PA in a LONG time, and thought it was all coming back. But - after a really rough night, it went away! I guess it was one of those nefarious blips...

Looks like you had one too. Luckily, it didn't last too long for you, either!

Great that you're laughing again. Without a doubt, that has to be the best medicine! Keep up the good work, and try not to worry about what you can't control (Though , believe me, I know ITS HARD!!!)

Keep smiling - it scares the PA monster!


It is better to be a free bird than a captive king...

27-10-05, 12:35
April ,

As Rick found out, once you understand what is going on within yourself to bring on a panic, it makes it easier to downgrade it , accept it after its happened and move on.

We know from your posts recently that bird flu has been a big worry and as the media is not letting up on it, you're struggling to rationalize it so someting got the better of your rational mind and caught you out.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

april tones
27-10-05, 17:10
hi all! yes thats exactly right! feeling loads better today, had calms,bach flower and b comlpex. felt one coming on at my sons friends party and i thought no, not know! it went. feel better x thanksxx
