View Full Version : Thought of the day

miss worrier
19-09-09, 20:05
After suffering many years of on/off health anxiety i woke up this morning and something hit me,
i realised i have 2 choices 1) to carry on my miserable exsistance or
2) to get over myself
may seem a bit harsh to sum but sod it if i am going to die than i will die simple as every thought but id rather die having a happy life than die miserable so sod it i dont care anymore i got 1 life an im goin to start bloody living it instead of fearin it, enough is enough for me, il show this anxiety lark that i control my body and me only, afterall i wouldnt let a bully control me so im goin to kick its ass once and for all!!! I WANT MY LIFE BACK

Tangerine Man
19-09-09, 21:23
Miss Worrier,

Do not let your thoughts bully you.

A positive attitude is a great start, the brain is a wonderfully powerful thing good luck

19-09-09, 21:35
way to go

good luck x