View Full Version : Why is my body doing this and how can it be anxiety ? :(

19-09-09, 20:58
I have nearly had enough. Feel like doctors put everything down to health anxiety but how can it produce visible physical symptoms like last night all veins on my hands suddenly appeared on the surface, and why?? That's not all in my mind. The doctors dont appear at all concerned, I am just becoming more and more concerned anxious and feeling alone in this. When I woke up my hands are back to normal. What the heck is going on? :(( I'm so convinced there is something wrong and because docs know I am anxious they wont get me checked out. It's not fair.

19-09-09, 21:14
Hi Janni, I know it's horrible when the doctors don't take your symptoms seriously! I was certain I had all sorts of physical things wrong because the whole anxiety thing has been totally physical. It took me nearly 3 months to believe that it really was just the anxiety! I eventually realised the symptoms happened when I started to worry about things, which made sense. When you're blood's pumping away as if you're being chased by a tiger, your blood vessels will dilate to accomodate it, it's your body doing what comes naturally.

I know it's easy to say, but try not to worry. Hope it starts getting better for you soon, Kayro x

19-09-09, 21:33
Surprising but anxiety can cause physical symptoms and I guess sometimes visible. I've had a kind of rash due to what I think was way too much tension in my arms.

I'd guess it could be either the blood flow causing the veins to pop up, or maybe tension causing the muscles to do things which highlight the veins.

Then again it could also be what you're seeing is something that's always happened at particular times of the day, but anxiety makes you very sensitive to it. I do find that a lot where I'm spotting all kinds of things which probably have always been like that.

However I know what you mean about GPs dismissing everything as anxiety. I get frustrated myself because once anxiety is diagnosed that seems to be the only answer and the solution is just being told to relax, get counselling and/or be put on SSRIs (not the answer except if nothing else works, in my opinion).

I do sometimes think I should have lots of tests to rule everything else out, but the attitude is more that it would be a waste (of NHS money most likely). Makes me think about a private health check, but they require your GP to approve it I think and they scoff at private checks.

19-09-09, 22:40
I have nearly had enough. Feel like doctors put everything down to health anxiety but how can it produce visible physical symptoms like last night all veins on my hands suddenly appeared on the surface, and why?? That's not all in my mind. The doctors dont appear at all concerned, I am just becoming more and more concerned anxious and feeling alone in this. When I woke up my hands are back to normal. What the heck is going on? :(( I'm so convinced there is something wrong and because docs know I am anxious they wont get me checked out. It's not fair.

The physical symptoms of anxiety are not in your mind! You need to recognise that it is the causality that stems from the mind. Think of when you blush....this is a physical process that you can clearly see but it stems from a menatal causality. Physical anxiety symptoms are exactly the same.