View Full Version : How to say I love you?

19-09-09, 21:38
Basically I've been with my boyfriend for almost 5 months now...we are so close and I feel as though I've fallen in love with him, however neither of us have said "I love you" yet...because of my anxieties I don't really want to say it first...sometimes I really want to though.

Does anyone have any tips on how to say it? I know this seems like a silly topic but i'm quite shy when it comes to things like this! Its on the top of my tongue always but im so afraid of rejection

19-09-09, 22:08
Just go for it
(You cant win the lottery if you dont buy a ticket)

20-09-09, 00:34
I empathise completely, living with anxiety means living with the constant fear that you're not quite good enough, you worry what people think of you and end up over thinking absolutely everything (I know I do). At some point though you have to realise that you are worthy and unless you take that step forward you'll never be able move towards conquering your fear.

So take a deep breath and go for it! Good luck


20-09-09, 03:22
This may sound a bit cheesy but maybe you can make him a card, I'm an artist and usually make cards for people, plus I'm terrible at saying how I feel so I usually write things down..it's much easier. :) And no, it doesn't have to be a macaroni card. Good Luck, I know how hard this is :)

20-09-09, 04:34
You've been together 5 months and you're very close so he must be more than happy being with you. Ask him if he loves you and when he says "Yes, I love you", you can say you love him too.

It's not the words that are important though because they can normally be too easily said without meaning. It's showing how you love someone in every sense that gives the words meaning - to be there for them, to care for them, to listen to them, to comfort them, to support them, to give affection to them, to treasure them and to treat them as The most important person in their life- and when someone does all those things for the person they love, the words need not be said as the lovers actions speak far louder than any loving words can convey.:hugs:


If I loved you,
Time and again I would try to say
All I'd want you to know.
If I loved you,
Words wouldn't come in an easy way
Round in circles I'd go!
Longing to tell you,
But afraid and shy,
I'd let my golden chances pass me by!
Soon you'd leave me,
Off you would go in the mist of day,
Never, never to know...
How I loved you...
If I loved you...

Sometimes if we allow fear to prevent us from saying or doing the things we want to, we miss the opportunity, never know what would have happened and always live with doubt and regret. Sometimes it's better to say and do the things that are important to us because at least then we can say we tried, and if we fail, put it behind us and move on to love another day.

If we live in fear, we stay safe but we stand still and live a life of misery because we never do the things we want to or find out what is real and what is false. Sometimes to risk hurt in the present is better than risking hurt after years of living a lie.

22-09-09, 04:25
I remembered this film this evening. I thought it was appropriate. Hope it helps you.:hugs:



Never leave words of love unsaid because for all our lives we could live with regret of what could have been before it was lost forever.:hugs: