View Full Version : Sorry for posting another post

anx mum
19-09-09, 21:48
Basically im at my wits end:weep: havent got much support at home so hoping 2 talk 2 someone. Really worried been getting constant headaches for about 5 weeks now mainly in left side of head, has been in back of head and had a stiff neck. Taking regular painkillers helping a little bit not much. Just feel really scared as im quite an anxious person anyway. Dont want 2 feel like this want my life bk 2 how it was:weep:

19-09-09, 22:04
Sounds like tension i sometimes get them for a week or so on end
think the more you worry the longer it goes on

have you tried one of those cold packs on the back of your neck x

anx mum
19-09-09, 22:14
is a cold pack better than heat? Its been going on 5 weeks now have u had tension headaches?

19-09-09, 22:16
yes quite bad ones
i found those new cold stick on things work ok
i put one on my forehead and one on the back of my neck x

sarah jayne
19-09-09, 22:19
As you know ive been going throught exactly the same as you so your not on your own. Im a really anxious person aswell, even though my headaches been alot better today ive still been worried, i just cant help it. Try some tiger balm like i have, its worth a try ! Have a nice relaxing bath and rub some on your temples and forehead and also, if your necks still stiff try using a hot water bottle on it x

19-09-09, 22:21
thanks will try that
get tired of my neck feeling tight
just had a look i get those cold pads from boots
where do i get tiger balm

anx mum
19-09-09, 22:34
just ordered that tiger balm on amazon its £1.99

19-09-09, 22:35

Hope you feel better soon x

19-09-09, 23:12
anxmum try and limit the painkillers and the caffiene and increase the exercise and relaxation.
Its what im doing because i have a slight headache all the time!
It started of mild and i found painkillers made it a lot worse - could just be me though!

anx mum
20-09-09, 21:32
thanks for your reply hun tried tiger balm earlier think its helped a little like u im a real worrier always have been