View Full Version : Heart sounds different.

20-09-09, 00:32
A little back story, I have always been a some what anxious person, but never in my life have I had any anxiety symptoms like the ones I am having now. It all started 4 weeks ago after the death of Spanish soccer player Dani Jarque. It happened while I was playing soccer I started to feel symptoms of dehydration, and I subconsciously began to panic, escalting my symptoms to a panic attack, which I had never had before, so I literaly thought I was going to die. I went to the ER, had an EKG, and everything checked out fine. I still wasn't feeling to good and about 4 days later had another panic attack, and I went to the ER once again. Got an MRI and another EKG, and everything checked out fine. So for a week I was feeling really relaxed and confident, knowing there wasn't anything wrong with me. Although I was still hesitant to push myself while playing soccer because of my fear of dying while playing. Then a couple days ago, I had a 15lb metal soccer post land on my head, and you guessed it, this incident again awoke my anxiety and fear of death, I was afraid of a brain bleed (still am), but everything checked out fine once again. I began feeling better, and thinking 'hey I survived, I should't worry about playing soccer, my heart is fine, I am healthy' but all this came to an end when my doctor found a heart murmur, when she was examining me. I thought maybe it was related to my anxiety, but being the hypochondriac I am, I went online and found out that anxiety doesn't cause heart murmurs. So now I am completely paranoid, and afraid of losing the thing I love most, soccer, because of my fear of heart problems which I actually have.

Anyways to get to my point, I was listening to other memeber's of my family's hearts, and they all seemed to make a thump-thump sound, while mine had the same rythm but it sounded more gushy,slooshy; don't know what words to use, LOL...but anyways its been really bothering me that I might never be able to exercise again or that I could die of sudden death if I do play, like the other soccer players. Do you guys think my anxiety could have caused something to sound like a heart murmur, because I was literay on the edge of having an anxiety attack while waiting for the doctor, and there is no history of heart problems in my family at all.