View Full Version : Headaches And Noticing More veins On Hands

20-09-09, 01:38
Hey all, Just need some reassurance again!

Today i woke up today and my head wasnt that bad it actually wasnt there and was ok for a good few hours but as the day went on i started to my usal head pain.

Its not like a blinding headache or anything its just very uncomfortable and noticeable. The pain for the past few weeks and mostly this week has resided on both sides of my head almost in teh exact same spot on and near the temples and again on both sides it travels down my face near my eyes and sides of eye and down and around my nose and at the very sides of my upper jaw ( feels like i always wanna chew / dry mouth)

I can almost trace the line of pressure / pain with my fingers

I have also noticed more veins on my hands and they seem alot bigger.

I dont know what i could do to reduce this. For the pressure around my temples and jaw my gp gave me nasal congestion pills and spray.

The pressure seems to get worse as teh day goes on but can fade .

Anyone else experience these?

24-09-09, 13:54

With anxiety, I get all of these things. Muscle tension causes it. I can also see the veins in the palms of my hands at times. Its another lovely feature of anxiety and the adrenaline system, all totally normal when you have anxiety!!


24-09-09, 13:57
Also the dry mouth i have had on and off for ages.....an anxiety symptom...just your body doing what you are instructing it to do with your anxious thoughts!! With that in mind...kind of shows actually how healthy and responsive you body is!!
