View Full Version : Nightmares

20-09-09, 04:28
Some of you will know that I am on day 9 of withdrawal (cold turkey) from Seroxat and the reasons why I am doing this.

I am doing ok and the side effects I am having I was prepared for.

Now I am or was prepared for the nightmares because I have tried this before and the nightmares were a major contributor to me re starting.

Well I have had a bad one tonight and was screaming. I knew I was screaming inside and outside the dream if that makes sense but the point is I was really screaming which brought my neigbours from their beds.. not good.

Any advice or experience would be appreciated regarding this as I am reluctant to sleep when I am own alone for fear of a repeat.

For those interested.
Day 9 symptons - tennis in head and a bit of lethargy but that is all
