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Hayles p
20-09-09, 12:47
I have it in my head that everything i eat im going to be allergic to and i will die, its driving me mad.
I don't know where the thought came from Ive never been allergic to anything in my life.
Does anyone else ever get any thoughts like that.

20-09-09, 13:40
yea i have been afraid if being allegic to certain foods, hair dye and all medication to name a few. I am getting better but still wont even try certain foods such as nuts and strawberries. Medication is a huge one never took the antidepressants as was just too scared. I have today took a pick you up medicine thats just vit bs and caffine but would only take childs dose and im worried now i have taken it, but i know that if i take it for a couple of days and my mind accepts im not allergic then ill be fine taking it. I did this with paracetomal and primrose oil and some foods. Its hard going but its the only way i think.

Hayles p
21-09-09, 09:56
Wow now you mention them all im exactly the same. i dyed my hair on friday, desperatly needed to do my roots, im a hairdresser so i deal with colour all day, but this tme when i dyed it, it didnt feel quite right and was a little tingely, i persevered with and it was fine altho i know reactions can take up to 48hrs so for the last 2 days have been freaking out every time something doesn't feel ok.

The thing is that all this is just thoughts, i always think im allergic to nuts and medicine and usually have to get reassurance before i have it. now im getting to the point where i just think stuff it, im having it... but still that doesn't change the thoughts.

I hate my head the thought of dying scares the hell out of me altho some days thats all i wanna do.