View Full Version : fear of dying

20-09-09, 14:44
i hope someone can help me. i'm 27 and for the past few days i have been experiencing severe panic attacks and fear about dying. i just simply canot comprehend it. i have talked to my family and my boyfriend, and they say they all fear it too, but they just don't think about it. i can't stop. i keep crying and worrying and shaking, it's really bad. how do we just stop being here? does it hurt when we die? i don't want to miss out on life but i cannot stop these thoughts. i feel as though i don't have control of my emotions anymore and i'm constantly at war with myself trying to talk myself out of these hopeless feelings.

there has been nothing recently that would have triggered these thoughts.

thank you

20-09-09, 16:00
Hiya angy

Darl you sound a little depressed to me & its when our body's get low like this we start getting upset & worried about things. I think ultimately for those of us who have health anxiety our biggest fear is death- a horrible fear as its completely out of our control.

Try & accept the fact we all have to die hun but with that in mind we should cherish & make the most of everyday we have.
You may find a book relation to this fear will help you x

21-09-09, 03:27
I know how you feel. I look around and I see people enjoying life when all I can think about is a horrible and premature death. I don't have an answer for you but just know you are not alone. Sometimes watching funny movie or doing some exercise helps bring down my panic level. Writing down my fears also helps sometime. Don't google. Maybe some medication can help you get over this period and get you back in control. Post here as much as you need. Good luck

21-09-09, 07:19
oh the fear of dying, so many times i have convinced myself im going to die soon or my childre are even to the point i would imagine my funeral horrible and distressing. Then i was asked a question how would you like to die and i said quickly and i was asked are you sure its not a awful painful illness you fear most and i dont know the answer to that. It seems a very common fear but slowly i have realised that im not living spending all my time thinking about the end and so now i try to think about living. It would be so sad to get to a ripe old age and realise that all i have done is worry about dying. I still have times when its back like last week when i had a terrible virus. Most the time now i can take my mind off it and think of something else.

21-09-09, 13:53
Fear of dying is a symptom of both depression and anxiety. I think we have have a fear of dying to some degree - but when you have depression and/or anxiety this fear is pushed to the limits. When my anxiety is high, this is a TERRIBLE fear I have. I fear leaving my loved ones, especially my grown daughter - I don't know how she would live without me. I fear my parents and husband will be dissapointed in me - I just can't even explain it. But, when I am on medication and my anxiety is controlled I really don't think about it too much! I know that my daughter would be sad, but would move on just fine and my parents and husband both love me and would not be dissapointed - but tell that to my anxiety!!!

21-09-09, 15:51
Hi Angy

Have been feeling just the same as you lately. I have always been quite casual about death but the past few weeks I have been living in constant fear of it. Every night I'm going to bed feeling bad, convinced I won't wake up and wondering what comes next. When I wake up the next day instead of being grateful I'm just thinking 'well its bound to happen today'. Seeing my doc this week so going to open my heart and try and sort this - maybe you should do the same?

Sorry I can't give you any real advice but at least you know you are not alone in these feelings.

21-09-09, 16:16
yes, me too, feared death everyday for a long time.
People are right when they say it is an anxiety related thing. I always laugh with my councellor and say I am not a suicide risk as I'm terrified of dying.
Bye for now
love Ruby

21-09-09, 16:42
I fear this too. Everytime i get a pain somewhere or find a lump weird thoughts go through my head and think this could kill me. I also get these weird thoughts like when someone asks me to do something in a week or two or i book something for the near future i get thoughts like what if i dont make it till then what if i die before this event im going to or party or holiday. I dont know if anyone else gets this or its just me but it gets me down thinking like that. I really do understand your thoughts as i get it aswell. I would love to know how to get rid of them.


21-09-09, 17:50
I'm the same, It started a few weeks ago when i got horrible chest pains and was convinced I was having a heart attack. Ever since then I'm scared to go to sleep fearing that Iwont wake up. I don't want to miss out on my children lifes, i'm so young. I want to grow old.
It's like my mind keeps telling me, I'm sorry but you havn't got much time left your going to die very soon. The pains in my chest have gone but the fear has stayed and I can't switch it off. I keep thinking what if its not anxiety what if what i'm thinking is true, what if i am going to die.

Anyway my doctor has given me some tablets to try and help calm me down, Have just taken one so will see if it works ( didn't want to take on as i am affraid of taking tablets in caase they don't agree with me or something, but I can't go on like this)
Fingers crossed, they will help me get through this.

21-09-09, 21:38
I actually agree with j2.

Funny films or tv shows always help distract me when these thoughts get overwhelming.

I particularly get them at night time,so much so that I will have to physically get up out of my bed and walk around to get my breathing under control.

I think about me dying,how,when,what's it like to jsut cease "being" but I think everyone gets these thoughts from time to time.

Hell,I had this conversation with my friend donks ago but the only difference was that she "just carried on and didn't focus on it" and that's where our downfall lies,we focus too much and it makes us ill. :(

Indeed,I still get overwhelming thoughts about this but I really am finding that reading a good book,watching the tv or dvd-always something light hearted really does ease my mind for a while.

I still get these thoughts but need to fight them love. Here if you need a vent about anything xx

22-09-09, 00:03
hey everyone,

thanks so much for your replies. i am not feeling any better. i have done nothing by cry pretty much since friday. i just look at everyone all around me and think how we are all going to die. what does it feel like? why does it have to happen? i know my thoughts are reasonable but only to a degree. they are starting to ruin my life. i'm going to see a doctor tomorrow...keeping my fingers crossed...