View Full Version : p.a in lecture theatre in UNI. advice please.

20-09-09, 16:56

I recently started UNI, and I attended my first 2 hour 45 minute lecture the other day. Long story short, my anxiety went through the roof, sickness set in, along with dizziness, uncontrollable shaking, and that burning desire to escape. Despite all this - I endured the whole lecture, which I am happy about. Only now, Im am SO terrifed of tomorrow, a full day of lectures.

Guys please PLEASE help, this time in my life is so difficult, please give advice, i feel so lost at the moment. How am i going to endure all the lectures without running out of the building after ten minutes. What happens if I can't get a seat near the back and I have to be surrounded by people. PS. there is 200 people in my lectures...a very large amount.


Veronica H
20-09-09, 17:51
:bighug1: I feel your pain but you have already done the hard part by staying put the first time and not reinforcing the fear....well done. I know how hard it is to ignore the urge to run. Anticipation is always worse than the event. You will not run out of the lecture however bad you feel. The worst that will happen if you have to leave is that you will excuse yourself politely to your neighbours and and walk out...the great Dr Weekes assures us of this.( Her book 'self help for your nerves' is the bible for panic anxiety and I would recommend it to you, if you have not read it yet).
Try to sit on the end of an isle if you can' t get to the back. The more lectures you have the easier it will get. Don't let this beat you. This will get better.


20-09-09, 17:53
Hi Rachel

So sorry to hear of your troubles. Is there a root cause to all of this? Do you know what started these attacks off? If that can be established - Im sure you will be able to move forward, and start to recognise what makes you feel like this?

20-09-09, 18:00
It is difficult, it really is but you just have to keep on going in. Try to sit on the edge out of the way and if necessary let people know how you are feeling and why you'd like their seat, do not be ashamed. All the best.

20-09-09, 18:05
Hi Rachel

So sorry to hear of your troubles. Is there a root cause to all of this? Do you know what started these attacks off? If that can be established - Im sure you will be able to move forward, and start to recognise what makes you feel like this?

the root cause? ahmmm... well there are a few causes of my anxiety and panic attacks , one massive one is anxiety due to uncertain situations. another one is simply getting a panic attack in public or actually generally just getting a panic attack.

and as for carrying on - i will battle it out to the end.. but sometimes i jst feel so overwhelmed by it all.

its so scary at a time in my life where everything is changing .

any advice is welcome thank you.(and thank you for the last 2 posts).


20-09-09, 18:38
Hi Rachel

Yep, the biggest problem is actually thinking about or anticipating an attack, so (for me) I focus on that. So we actually go out with that in our mind, "what if" "is this going to happen", rather than it actually happening.

Im a member of a fear of flying forum, and one thing the pilot who runs it, said, practice diaphragmatic breathing ( probably spelt that wrong), and it really really helps, if you feel anxiety rising, it actually stops adrenolin running around the body.

So it kind of slows down the whole process of feeling anxious.

And your doing the right thing, your facing it, stick with it, it will become easier.

Also, for me what helps, is I write down, why I am doing something - the benefits.

So maybe make a list of why you are attending UNI, what its going to bring in the future, what you are going to gain - and try and turn the negative into a positive - whats enjoyable, what life could be, what life would be if you dont go.

Hope that helps

Thoughts are with you, and Im sure that you can beat this

20-09-09, 21:05
Clenching your fist and releasing it slowly, or press your forefinger and thumb together and then release (dissipates a little tension and distracts slightly).Some politicians do this when making important speeches.

Also have you tried Rescue Remedy, you can dilute it and put it into a plastic water bottle and sip it during the l-o-n-g lectures! Works well for some people not for others but it may be worth a try.

What you are experiencing is very common, lots of changes and no doubt some stress. It will become easier. Good luck.

20-09-09, 21:58
Hi Rachel

Yep, the biggest problem is actually thinking about or anticipating an attack, so (for me) I focus on that. So we actually go out with that in our mind, "what if" "is this going to happen", rather than it actually happening.

Im a member of a fear of flying forum, and one thing the pilot who runs it, said, practice diaphragmatic breathing ( probably spelt that wrong), and it really really helps, if you feel anxiety rising, it actually stops adrenolin running around the body.

So it kind of slows down the whole process of feeling anxious.

And your doing the right thing, your facing it, stick with it, it will become easier.

Also, for me what helps, is I write down, why I am doing something - the benefits.

So maybe make a list of why you are attending UNI, what its going to bring in the future, what you are going to gain - and try and turn the negative into a positive - whats enjoyable, what life could be, what life would be if you dont go.

Hope that helps

Thoughts are with you, and Im sure that you can beat this

thank you so much, that was really good advice! i didnt know that the "deep" breathing technique actually STOPPED some adrenaline from circulating around the body. and yes i will deff. make a list of why i am at uni and all that... thank you..

as for the next post - ive actually discovered that a little stress piggy(a piggy shaped hard sponge thing that you clench) works when im stressed.

thanks guys,


20-09-09, 22:11
Aim to be a few minutes late... then you can grab an end seat near the back and can escape easily if you need too. There's nothing worse than being trapped in the middle of a row of people and thinking 'I need to get out!'

Good luck! xx

20-09-09, 23:07
Aim to be a few minutes late... then you can grab an end seat near the back and can escape easily if you need too. There's nothing worse than being trapped in the middle of a row of people and thinking 'I need to get out!'

Good luck! xx

very true, only, to get the back row, you need to be EARLY! damn!! :) i'll just have to be the worlds most punctual student, right?

20-09-09, 23:22
Rachel do you find thats its all the anticipation of what you think will happen that is the worse?

This is how I get and once I Actually arrive and get started in the lecture or meeting I seem to calm down.

I agree seating position can have an effect too, in our head we need our escape routes well planned.

I think you are a very brave person and each lecture you get through will make the next a little easier. I am also sure that you would not be the only one in the room feeling this way. Even if they dont appear to be getting easier, just take your time and you will get through it.

Maybe also take in a bottle of water and some hard lollies to suck on.

You will do well.

21-09-09, 03:23

I recently started UNI, and I attended my first 2 hour 45 minute lecture the other day. Long story short, my anxiety went through the roof, sickness set in, along with dizziness, uncontrollable shaking, and that burning desire to escape.

Hey Rachel.. your anxiety could have been a lot worse. It's very hard to focus when you are dizzy and light headed and feeling like this. I would highly recommend seeing a Dr. and taking Citalopram.

If your anxiety worsens, it could effect your ability to perform in school. The Citralopram will take a few weeks to work. Take it before bed, NOT during the day since you are in school and you may feel side effects during the day. I recommend taking 5mg to start. Even if the Dr. recommends 10mg, take 5 if you don't want any side effects. You may feel 10. The feeling is no different than extacy (the illicit drug). Your feel rushes of warmth over your body, head wooshes, etc. Plenty of fun but can be scary and not recommended if you have anxiety. So take before bed so you can sleep through it and not feel the side effects.

I recommend taking the Lorazepam before class. Lorazapam will stop your shaking and relax you during class for the time being. It works really well to stop physical adrenalin and such.

If you try other methods of trying to tough this out youself (like I did.. and failed) then I really wish you luck.

22-09-09, 09:33
Hey Rachel.. your anxiety could have been a lot worse. It's very hard to focus when you are dizzy and light headed and feeling like this. I would highly recommend seeing a Dr. and taking Citalopram.

If your anxiety worsens, it could effect your ability to perform in school. The Citralopram will take a few weeks to work. Take it before bed, NOT during the day since you are in school and you may feel side effects during the day. I recommend taking 5mg to start. Even if the Dr. recommends 10mg, take 5 if you don't want any side effects. You may feel 10. The feeling is no different than extacy (the illicit drug). Your feel rushes of warmth over your body, head wooshes, etc. Plenty of fun but can be scary and not recommended if you have anxiety. So take before bed so you can sleep through it and not feel the side effects.

I recommend taking the Lorazepam before class. Lorazapam will stop your shaking and relax you during class for the time being. It works really well to stop physical adrenalin and such.

If you try other methods of trying to tough this out youself (like I did.. and failed) then I really wish you luck.

thanks for the advice but medicine isn't for me, i take 3mg lexotan when i REALLY need it - but for me , this is more a thing in my head so why try and supress my thoughts with medication.

as for other posts - i hope it does get easier! my anxiety is about 70% anticipation and 30% situational anxeity. i suffered from so much anticipation anxiety yesterday that i was able to sit in the lecture hall for hours without feeling anything. i even sat in the front middle :O go me!

however i have noticed that when im super tired or after a nights drinking, my anxiety is ten times worse. Im beginning councelling through my college so hopefully that will aid me in my anxiety.

as for helpful things I do in the situation - i drink water, eat chewing gum and squeeze my stress piggy. sometimes it isn't enough, but sometimes it works. i also refuse to leave the place of anxiety, this will only condition it right?


edit: ps. im a student nurse just to let you know haha :)

22-09-09, 23:06
Yes refusing to leave and riding it out is what you have to do. Once the habit is formed of leaving it can set you further back.
So your doing the right thing. There will still be times where it feels it is worse after a good day the day before but this is all part of it.
Just try and keep calm and ride it out.
I know a doctor in my area, I live in a country town, and he has anxiety too and you think he would be able to deal with it easier based on his knowledge but Anxiety has other ideas and doesnt recognise professions.
I hope the stress piggy is coping well also.

23-09-09, 18:51
Yes refusing to leave and riding it out is what you have to do. Once the habit is formed of leaving it can set you further back.
So your doing the right thing. There will still be times where it feels it is worse after a good day the day before but this is all part of it.
Just try and keep calm and ride it out.
I know a doctor in my area, I live in a country town, and he has anxiety too and you think he would be able to deal with it easier based on his knowledge but Anxiety has other ideas and doesnt recognise professions.
I hope the stress piggy is coping well also.

the stress piggy is doing just fine!