View Full Version : Help, don't know who else to talk to

20-09-09, 17:04
The anxiety is so bad that I cannot sleep at all, i lay down and just think and think. I have cleaned up a bit, had a bath, eaten a bit, can't face putting the rubbish out because the neighbour may want to speak= giving out energy i have not got.
What does anyone else do , any tips for trying to switch off the fear, the tension, I feel like i am going mad, i would take anything anyone offered me right now to switch it off and sleep,
I have had anxiety for so long and yet it still has the capacity to isolate me, terrify me, rule me...
What is it all about .....
I am even afraid of posting this message!
Good God!!!

20-09-09, 17:42
Hi Ya

Sorry you are having a bad day
I find the best thing for me is distraction, try reading a really good book or play some of the games on here anything to try and distract your thoughts

x x

20-09-09, 17:46
Hi there,

I feel empathy for you in your current situation.
Please try as hard as you can to stay calm and relaxed.
A lot easier said than done I know.
But that is the key. In order to get some rest or sleep, you have to be relaxed and calm.

I find listening to a relaxation CD helps a lot and if I am struggling to sleep I just focus on my breathing and mentally say to myself "relax, stay calm".

I also read before I go to sleep. Not everyone thinks this is generally a good idea, but for me it is a distraction and helps me calm down and get my breathing nice and shallow before I decide to get some sleep.

Rest and relaxation are key to helping with all of the other anxiety symptoms we suffer with and so focus on that as a good starting point.

Above all else, dont pressurise yourself into anything. Go with the flow and let things happen naturally ......... even the anxiety symptoms :blush:

Take care,

20-09-09, 17:51
yes, you are so right, it's the only thing to do. I have been playing the games a lot and will get on with anything.
thanks for posting, it gets like a swamp in my mind so i can't think !

20-09-09, 18:16
Know what you mean
my mind starts racing and it hard to get it to stop

best wishes x

20-09-09, 18:34
Thank you both so much.
I dug out a relaxation cd that I was given years ago and just put headphones in and went with it.
I had a realization, that I am actually afraid of being relaxed, as if i am on red alert and dare not let go.
How scary is that!!!
You are so right, without being relaxed I can do nothing.
I read a lot, when Im not so bloody beside myself!
Just started a new one last night by nigel slater, all about food! Made me hungry.
Thanks so much for replying and the advice, it has helped already. I will keep up practicing the relaxing, yes, it is harder than it sounds!
I've always found it corny and weird anyone running through relaxation things, god I AM WE~IRD!!

20-09-09, 19:16
Hey whatever works for you is NOT weird
I listen to Nature sounds (waves or thunder storms) before i go to sleep and it really helps
you are right about being scared to relax its almost like unless you focus on how you feel it will get worse when infact we need to do the opposite

glad to have helped fel free to contact me anytime you need to x

20-09-09, 20:26
thank you so much...
very much...
what a help to feel understood...
I just cannot believe I have been like this for 5 years and not once realised fully just how key it is to actually relax.
May go look for some 'normal' other relaxation sounds on amazon!
love ruby

21-09-09, 04:02
I have had anxiety for so long and yet it still has the capacity to isolate me, terrify me, rule me...
What is it all about .....
I am even afraid of posting this message!
Good God!!!

I couldn't even READ this forum when I was peaked because it would give me panic attacks.

You have to be clear on whether this is stress, anxiety, or depression. All can keep you up like this.

I feel stress is what keeps me up before bed like this. Anxiety actually makes me tired and yawn becuase i'm so spent and I can fall asleep.

21-09-09, 09:52
Hi Ruby

Below is a site i found really useful it is a free video course and along the way there are some free downloadable relaxation sounds
Hope you find it of use x


21-09-09, 11:25
Hello Crush and hiya Marc,
Yes, I understand the not even being able to read posts, it is like a huge crisis of indecision and lack of confidence comes over us.
At it's peak in the past, I could not look at any images of heights, travel ie planes flying..even now when the RAF planes fly over here on a bad day it can churn my stomach into a knot of fear.
A psychiatric nurse that used to visit me gave me a book called the highly sensitive person, it is true methinks, that we are a highly sensitive lot.
In Japan,(apparantly) it is considered a beautiful trait to be gentle and sensitive, whereas in our society it is often seen as weakness, we have a 'be tough' message.
I resent how vulnerable the whole thing makes me feel.
Thanks very much for the link to the free panicover site, have been and had the first video.
The kindness and understanding that people show on here is truly special.
Another one of my councellers once said that she loved her job as she met all the most interesting people, bless her, she was lovely, so perhaps we are more special than we think we are.
God hark at me, and it's only 11.30...:)
Love you all

21-09-09, 12:13
ps...of course utube for relaxation sounds!!