View Full Version : Pregnancy and citralopam

20-09-09, 17:59
Has anyone taken this whilst being pregnant. I came off it for the pregnancy and now 14 weeks into it I am a mess.

I want to back on the Dr wants to keep me off. I am not sure I can cope.

Feel I am falling apart:weep:

20-09-09, 18:20
Hi Sahara,
i am pretty much in the same boat :weep: I stopped my citalopram for pregnancy. I am now almost 23 weeks and i don't know how i am going to cope, every day is a struggle right now. I am having panic attacks and am feeling so depressed cause i don't even know when i feel something coz of pregnancy and what is anxiety :weep: :weep: Doc sent me for some cbt or counselling saying they make it all quicker when u're pregnant, get to see someone quicker, but nothing about going back to citalopram at all. I was so well before i got pregnant, now i am scared to get out of the house a lot of the time!! :weep: :weep:
How r u feeling?
I had to change surgeries cause i moved but my old doctor who took me off citalopram when i got pg told me then that after first trimester we can talk about going back on it if i find it hard to cope, said that women do take these medication when pg if necessary. I really wish i never moved!!!

20-09-09, 19:03
Oh gosh I am so sorry to hear you are feeling the same. :hugs::hugs: Its horrible. i had it my first pregnancy too. Sometimes I wonder why I got pregnant again. i am terrified of the next 6 months - I soemtimes don't want the baby and then feel awful for even thinking that.

I am scared of a particul;ar condition which I won't mention, but I am scared I am going to die and leave my daughter without her Mum. I cry everytime I think that :weep::weep:

I know it will be worth it when I get my baby in my arms but the moment all I see is despair.

Have you seen a consultant for your pregnancy? I would have thought they would recommend that as you are feeling this way. Perhaps you can speak to your midwife and she can make a referral.

i am meeting my consultant on friday to see what she says. My Dr say he will put me on citralopam if desperate, but wants me to speak to the consultant first.

I resommend you try and meet with a consultant. It may help :bighug1: