View Full Version : Cervical cancer fear - please read

20-09-09, 20:26
I have just joined No More Panic, and I hope one of you may be able to help. Menopause began about 2003, and over the past year or two, I have experienced vaginal bleeding which has now become a constant occurrence. I visited my doctor's surgery to have a smear test, but as I found it so painful, the practice nurse was unable to continue with the procedure. I therefore requested a hospital referral. I then saw a consultant in gynaecology who gave me an initial manual test (and being a male doctor, I found it very embarrassing). He said he found no lumps etc., but put me forward for a surgical pre-assessment check and scan. The truth is that as I felt so nervous, I have postponed the appointments, and have another scheduled one on the 1st October. In addition to the almost 24/7 bleeding, I also experience a vague pain in the lower part of my abdomen, and the area near my right hip feels rater tender. Obviously, I am fearing that these symptoms could be either cancer of the cervix or ovaries. I have looked at a lot of Internet health sites but did not find them very helpful. (Of course they all mention that post menopausal bleedng is a key symptom of cancer). So please, can any one of you give me your opinion if you have suffered anything like this, or have medical knowledge that might clarify my symtoms. I am feeling very scared.

20-09-09, 22:13
Hi Ariel

Firstly :welcome:

quick question, how old are you? and had you gone through the menopause completely and then started to bleed?

I have recently been diagnosed with dysfunctional uterine bleeding due to irregular ovulation, and am waiting for an appoitment to have the mirena coil fitted ( im 42)

P x

20-09-09, 22:41

I know how you must be worried but you have as much chance of it being something like an infection or cervical erosion. I believe these can make you bleed too. My mum-in-law had cervical cancer when she was in her 30's and she had treatment and survived it. She died in her 60's from a heart attack. I think you can bleed again after thinking you've had your menopause. That's why some people end up pregnant again! I would feel the same as you but please try not to worry too much. Internet health sites always convince you of the worst possible scenario but it is usually not the case!! My thoughts are with you and I hope you get good news and put this behind you. Even if you receive worrying news nowadays the treatments are so advanced and the outlook can be great Let us know how you get on.
Take care
Myra :bighug1:

21-09-09, 03:11
Hi Pollyanna and Myra,
Thank you both for replying. I am 57, and for a few years I was certain that it was the menopause as there was a complete cessation of menstruation. Then occasionally, there would be some light bleeding, but over the past twelve months in particular, this has become constant. I hope it may be just an infection etc., and what you said Myra was very interesting about post menopausal pregnancies. It is so good to be able to share my fears here in this Forum, and I will let you know how things progress.
Fond wishes to you both.

21-09-09, 18:59
Hi Ariel

I know its very worrying for you, but the best thng as you know is just to go and get it checked out, you already have an appointment scheduled for 1st october, , try and keep it, i know its scarey, but for your own peace of mind you need to get to the bottom of why you are bleeding
we are here anytime you want to chat, and let us know how your appointment goes.

best wishes

P x :flowers:

21-09-09, 21:25
Hi there love. There is so many other more simpler things it could be other than cancer. Indeed as someone said,even an infection of some sort.

I need to take my own advice but please do not lookup websites. They are mostly to blame to be honest for my Health Anxiety.

I can't remember what I had for dinner yesterday but I remember some god awful disease that affected one person in the whole world ;)

I had a pelvic infection a few months ago and had severe lower abdominal cramp and the doc wanted to do a smear and tried but was unable as I was so sore also,turned out I also was inflamed down there with thrush.

Please try be calm and go for the appointements. It really is the best for you. Physically and mentally. The docs will reassure you!The worry will be making you worse petal.

I'm always on if you need someone to speak to,


21-09-09, 22:15
It is scary!! I think the girls that have repsonded are right though - I have been through something simular - although I am a few years younger - I do know that the change in our hormones can play NASTY tricks on our bodies! It could be a simple infection - it could be your hormones are all wacky!!