View Full Version : Chest again!!

20-09-09, 20:40
I posted last nite about an odd chest sensation, well i was still quite anxious about it when i eventually went to bed (around 3am) fell asleep quite well, but i woke up around quarter to 7, to something that really did scare me, if boyfriend hadnt calmed me down id have definatley called myself an ambulance!! When i woke i was led on my right side, i opened my eyes and then my whole chest area went weird and the only way i can describe it is as if i was going to get cramp in my chest, feeling lasted in toll about 5-6 mins, well of course i had a instant panic attack, thought i was having a heart attack no doubt about it, boyfriend woke up to me slapping him awake, and bless him hes so good at calming me, done his stuff i calmed down and it was all gone. He thinks its all anxiety related but i really am terrified, i really want to call the out of hours GP, but id rather see my own GP, so definatley going to call them 1st thing in the morning. I just wondered what if any tests the GP might do to find out whats wrong with my chest. So very very anxious about all this now. Thanks for taking the time to read, Debs xx

20-09-09, 21:42
Hi Debs

I know what you are going through i have experienced the same
i have had an ECG which is a painless 5 min procedure usually at the docs just to check your heart, but im sure it will be your anxiety.
i have called an ambulance one evening for that very thing but it was a panic attack

best to see your GP to put your mind at rest if nothing else

good luck and best wishes x

20-09-09, 21:49
Thanks 4 replying marc, i will definatley see my GP tomorrow, apart from an ECG will they do anything else?? very nervous about it!!! And cuz im only 28 does that make a difference what age u r to have a ECG, cuz sometimes when ive ben worried about things GP sometimes says "well given your age, very unlikely to be serious" etc etc. Thanks again, Debs xx

20-09-09, 21:54
Hi Debs

I am ancient compared to you 46
im sure if you ask for an ECG they will give you one, he is right you are very young to be worrying about a hear attack
have you any history of heart problems in the family

20-09-09, 22:07
I've had one and I'm 22... If you're concerned about your heart then they will give you one regardless of age and regardless of whether they think it's anxiety or not.

Weird chest feelings are horrible horrible horrible... just keep telling yourself that anxiety has never killed anyone, and see your doc to put your mind at rest.

Good luck xx

20-09-09, 23:58

I am interested about how you felt. Can you describe it better. I get a pulling,tightness,cramping type feeling in the middle of my chest. If I rub it it takes my mind off it as it is on the surface, I mean its on my rib cage. I find it comes on, or is more noticeable, When I am drifting in to sleep or when I have literally just woke up. In actual fact I am having it now. It feel like a tight band between my pecks, ok man boobs, If I am totally relaxed it scares the hell out of me as I can feel it so much like all my concentration is on it. In ealy 2007 I had an ECG and a 24 hour ECG and a Stress test and a heart echo scan and everything was fine. It comes and goes still. Recently I find after I have eaten my abdomen becomes so bloated that I THINK I chest breath very shallow and restricted which causes me to have spasms, shooting pains in different parts of my rib cage. So 2.5 years on from my tests I now feel worried again as it was 2.5 years ago when I had my heart tests so I feel it could now be a heart problem. Weird I know as the only thing that has changed is time has passed. The only thing that keeps me sane is the fact that I have had the feelings on and off for 3 Years. The problem is that I was never given answers, no one gave me a diagnosis, anxiety or anything so I was left floating, not knowing. Each day I feel i will die, sometimes I feel great and not a care in the world then I get a chest feeling and I am back to worrying and so the cycle goes on.

Do I go on every two years to have heart tests to put my mind at rest or do I take what may be round the corner. I dont know.

Listen Debs I hope and fell in my heart that yours is nothing. You need to put your mind at rest like me. I just hope it does not follow a cycle like mine.

Please let us know the outcome at your doctors.

Take Care.

Dont worry.


21-09-09, 11:33
Hi, thought id let you know i went to the docs, very very relived now!!! didnt c my usual GP hes away, so saw a new 1, but he was fantastic. He was very confident it wasnt anything cardio, he says it was musclar due to where the pain/dull ache was. I didnt have a ECG, i did ask but he said cuz hes confident it isnt nothing to do with my heart so he wasnt going to add to my anxiety by making me have what he says unnessary tests at this point. He did do the usual, temp, pulse and bp all total perfect, in fact he said my bp was better than his, lol! So ive come back feeling quite positive, but obviously im still more aware of my chest now.
Mee, thank you for replying, the way you describe your sensation in your chest is exactly how mine was, and you are right its just a horrible cycle, but i hope we can break this cycle and be alot happier about things (easier said than done we all know)!!! This site has been a god send for me and im so grateful for all of you for replying and reassuring me, so thank you to all of you. Debs x

21-09-09, 14:03
Glad you feel better x

21-09-09, 21:40
No probs Debs

I am glad you have found relief. I can feel mine building again ready for a GP visit. It always seems to be 100 times worse at this time (bedtime). I need sleep yet my mind finds this the best time of day to start and cause me distress.

Take Care Debs