View Full Version : Help

21-09-09, 00:37
I'll try to keep this as brief as possible. After suffering from panic/anxiety/depression since age 8 (I am now 27), I feel like I've had enough it. While improving from where I've been (once housebound, I am now a teacher, father, husband), it's like I'm just fed up. It seems as if life just hands out one bad deal after another. Deaths in family, sicknesses, family quarrels, disappointments, and failures. I cognitively know that what is important is how I respond to these things around me... Yet that 'information' doesn't seem to help. Inside my heart, I'm tired.

I guess (to be completely honest and sincere), I need someone to tell me it will be ok. After hundreds of anxiety attacks, and dozens of depressive episodes, it seems that I would have learned that lesson by now. But right now stress is higher than it has ever been in my life, and I just need someone to reassure me that there is hope. Thank you all for being here. I need this type of community to make it through.

21-09-09, 03:50
Hi James sorry to hear you have having such a tough time of it lately.

My advice would be to stick in there, I know what it's like (most of us have been there) where you wonder why you even bother as it keeps coming back but sometimes you get too low to see the light. It's there though and you'll find it.

What have you done to help your anxiety in the past? I kept having recurring periods of anxiety and using meds to get over the tough patches and at the moment hoping that some counselling will help me get to the bottom of it once and for all.

I'd also advise you to count your blessing and look at all you accomplised- I'm sure when it got really bad you never ever imagined that one day you would have a job, wife and child but you got past it and did it and I have ever faith you will do it again.


21-09-09, 03:52
I'll try to keep this as brief as possible. After suffering from panic/anxiety/depression since age 8 (I am now 27), I feel like I've had enough it. While improving from where I've been (once housebound, I am now a teacher, father, husband), it's like I'm just fed up. It seems as if life just hands out one bad deal after another. Deaths in family, sicknesses, family quarrels, disappointments, and failures. I cognitively know that what is important is how I respond to these things around me... Yet that 'information' doesn't seem to help. Inside my heart, I'm tired.

I guess (to be completely honest and sincere), I need someone to tell me it will be ok. After hundreds of anxiety attacks, and dozens of depressive episodes, it seems that I would have learned that lesson by now. But right now stress is higher than it has ever been in my life, and I just need someone to reassure me that there is hope. Thank you all for being here. I need this type of community to make it through.

Of course there's hope. You're 27, young, physcially healthy, and your whole life is ahead of you.

I had similar things happen to me this summer where it couldn't get worse and it kept getting worse. Things have turned around that's for sure.

If you have a string of bad luck, good things will come your way soon enough. If you keep losing at the casino, just keep playing and you'll be on a winning streak (yes i know casino is a bad example but you get what I mean).

Also, going through these hardships make you a stronger better person in this world. It makes you more honorable as a person and experienced in life.

Everything will be fine trust me.

22-09-09, 04:13
Thank you so much. I am so appreciative that there are people out there who are willing to help others through these things. Thank you so much!