View Full Version : Feels like something stuck in chest?

21-09-09, 08:37
hi for the last week ive felt like the right side of my throat (all the way down) has been blocked and when i swallow i can feel it going down really slowly like there is something blocking the pipe! also with pain almost sore pain in upper right breast bone and all the way down my back. again on the right side. More uncomfotable than pain i suppose. went to docs and she said to come back if it still hasnt gone away so im going back on thursday. Has anyone ever had this before or similar? obviously been a major health anxiety sufferer and smoker im thinking tumour! throat / chest cancer!!.

21-09-09, 16:47
anyone? :shrug:

21-09-09, 16:55
Hi Victoria

Have you ever suffered from acid reflux / indigestion? I am not an expert but the more I read on this and other sites the more I am becoming convinced that acid reflux is causing 50% of the symptoms I am experiencing with regards chest and throat discomfort. As a fellow smoker the same things keep going through my head - I seem to go from rational thought about these problems to blind panic in an instant.

21-09-09, 16:56
I have have been able to feel something as i swallow for years, ahd a camera put down and they found nothing, sometimes its worse than others but my doc has put it down to anxiety

Sure you will be fine its natural to fear the worst but it rarely turns out that way

beast wishes x

21-09-09, 18:51
I have never suffered heartburn BUT when this started last week i felt the need to burp constantly although barely anything was coming up, i thought it was indegestion but after numerous tablets for that and one week on it still hasnt gone. i have noticed my back and stomach muscles are incredibly sore, kinda feels like ive done some serious gym time but i have not! oh the joys of anxiety :lac:

21-09-09, 19:04

I'm not a doctor but this does sound like acid reflux. This can also irritate your stomach and throat. If it gets really troublesome your doctor can give you tablets to take for it. It's a common complaint and thousands of people suffer from it. You'll get to know what/what not to eat that makes it worse! I take a tablet every morning and feel much better.
Take care

21-09-09, 19:10
well i certainly hope so i feel like im my own worst enemy. i feel like im two people sometimes and just want to say ''for gods sake we are the same person why are you doing this to me!!!! in all honesty this has happened before the whole ''blocked down the right side'' but not as bad as this especially im coughing a bit aswell. i wonder what next weeks illness is (with the hope that this has gone!) :blush:

21-09-09, 19:26
My husband used to say to me "what letter in the medical dictionary are you at now!" I was convinced I had every possible illness or the worst possible scenario. I'm still alive and kickin 51 years later - with a vivid imagination mind you!!
