View Full Version : Headaches for 5 weeks and now face is swollen !

sarah jayne
21-09-09, 10:19
hi as some of you will know ive had an awful headache for 5 weeks. At first the doctor thought it was because of the citalopram so i had to stop taking that, then i was told it was my sinuses, then a tension headache and when i went back to the doctors on friday i was told something different again, now its apparantly reffered pain from my neck. i was told not to go back to the doctors cause theres nothing that they can do for me !
Well today theres not only my head that is sore, now the left side of my face is swollen and sore to touch, im wondering weather it could be an abcess or could it be related to my headache ? My temples are also sore to touch.:huh:

anx mum
21-09-09, 10:26
hi hun had a sore face and a sore jaw while with headache its driving me mad now. Suppose 2 b bk at work tonight worried sick incase i cant do it and i panic. Hows head?

21-09-09, 11:12
I don't know if this helps put your mind at rest, but when my sinuses are bad my face looks swollen and sore to touch... If it's sinuses it's really unpleasant but not dangerous. If you're concerned go back to your doctor??

sarah jayne
21-09-09, 12:18
I couldnt go back to the doctors as i went on friday and he said i shouldnt go back as ive been too many times recently ! So instead i went to the dentist and they gave me an xray which showed that i have 2 dark areas , some sort of infections ? Theyve put me on tablets 'matronidazole' and ive got to go back in 3 days. Hopefully by then my face wont be as swollen. Not looking forward to it cause i hate dentists but if it makes me better its worth it. Im glad i didnt listen to my doctor when he told me nothing was wrong, i told him on friday that my jaw and face was sore to touch but he said it was just anxiety, i think its always worth getting a second opinion.

Thanks for all your replies x

21-09-09, 16:02
Be careful not to drink alcohol on the metronizadole.

Hope it clears it up though.