View Full Version : DVT scare acctually being nothing.

21-09-09, 10:42
I started on the pill awhile ago, and started to get a dull ache in the lower part of my right calf. Of course I was out of my mind with worry, after reading the leaflet, and asking Dr. Google. It all seemed like a DVT.

I left it, pretty much crossing all my fingers that it wasn't a DVT, because I knew they were pretty rare, even if you are on the pill.
After about 4-5 days, it still hadn't gone away, so I started wearing a compression bandage to ignore the ache.

I never went to the doctor, and the dull ache went away by itself. My friend had a similar story, and waited 4 hours at the doctors, for her GP to tell her to go home and stop worrying. I wish I'd talked to her sooner to ease my worry.

The hype of the fact that a DVT can be deadly scared the crap out of me, so in a way, I know it was probably that fear that made everything seem so much worse.

So to those contraceptive pill goers who have a freak-out on that, its probably nothing - Dr. Google always diagnoses the worst just to scare you.

21-09-09, 11:09
Hello :)

My pill came with a booklet (not even the usual 2 sided leaflet) listing all possible risks, I've thrown it away now lol.

The risk is slightly elevated if you're on hormonal contraception, but it's still incredibly rare. If the risk was signigficant in any way at all then the pill wouldn't be prescribed, we'd all have to think of something else!!

DVT is a scary thought, Dr Google and myself have between us misdiagnosed me with DVT a few times now, once was a pulled muscle, the other turned out to be shin splints (ouchy!), the other nothing at all, a random ache.

Dr Google is not our friend!

Glad you're feeling better about it! :)