View Full Version : Citalopram after 4 weeks.

formula buzz
21-09-09, 11:10
I have been taking this now for over a month on a 20 mg and it has not done anything for me. I have suffered with Anixity problems for years but have never wanted to go on medication untill lately when i started to suffer confusion problems and felt " not with it" and memory did not seem so sharp. Always had problems with my vision and some headaches and felt weak a lot.

This made me pretty worried so this bought on the anixity but the doctors just thing its me but i never felt this bad before and i must be feeling weird to even consider medication! My worries have been a brain tumor!

Am i on the wrong medication because i think it might make me less anixess but not going to stop the phiyscal problems if there is one

Veronica H
21-09-09, 11:19
I think you should let your GP know this. There are other drugs that might suit you better. We are all different, and although Citalopram has really helped me I know that there are others here who were not helped at all by it.


formula buzz
21-09-09, 12:30
O right. I know this might be going off subject slightly but this confusion i get is more then just anixity. It just makes it harder for me to think straight and its like someones turned a few of my brain cells off.

I had major bad anixity problems years ago but at times they would dissapear and i would feel normal but that never happens with this and its a completely different feeling. I am fed up of people trying to pass it off as other little things like because its my diet or its just me!

21-09-09, 15:49
I think what you're experiencing is "brain fog", and it's quite common with anxiety disorders. You should try to relax because the more you worry, the worse it gets! I doubt that it's something serious but l'm not a doctor ... just going with my own experiences of having this too. Doctors are usually able to tell pretty quickly whether a patient has a neurological disorder by doing some simple observations. You just have to give the medication a bit longer and hope it begins to help.
Good luck!

formula buzz
21-09-09, 16:25
That is right, i know that when you worry it only makes it worst but even before i was worrying something did not seem right.
You just read stories about people that had problems but doctors could not find anything untill this mans employer paid for him to hav a mri scan and they found he had a brain tumor. How do i know i not got the same issue because of the symtoms i have got?

22-09-09, 20:36
I really feel for you because that is exactly the same symptoms that I have. It makes you feel very isolated and as if nobody understands. I'm sure that it is anxiety bringing it all on but you really should tell your doctor and maybe he/she can suggest alternatives.

22-09-09, 20:40
I can fully relate to this buzz. My anxiety also makes it hard for me to think - like my head is full and unclear [I didn't realise this is what people are referring to as brain fog - this is the worst feeling I get - I thought that was the anxiety]. I've also been on SSRIs for nearly 4 weeks and after going throw 2weeks of hell with side effects Im still have more anxiety than started but now get the odd hour or 2 when it seems to go. My main anxiety is thinking something is physically wrong in my head - the more worry the worse (catch 22)

formula buzz
23-09-09, 23:01
Well it is nice to speak to someone that understands where i am coming from. I am completey fed up of talking to a brick wall trying to get people to understand who have no idea. I not really had any side effects with the medication but its not doing a lot either. Only reason i went on it was to get rid of this confusion feeling and as i said i stil think theres a reason for it

23-09-09, 23:26
I have been taking this now for over a month on a 20 mg and it has not done anything for me. I have suffered with Anixity problems for years but have never wanted to go on medication untill lately when i started to suffer confusion problems and felt " not with it" and memory did not seem so sharp. Always had problems with my vision and some headaches and felt weak a lot.

This made me pretty worried so this bought on the anixity but the doctors just thing its me but i never felt this bad before and i must be feeling weird to even consider medication! My worries have been a brain tumor!

Am i on the wrong medication because i think it might make me less anixess but not going to stop the phiyscal problems if there is one

I found that it took approximately 6-8 weeks on Citalopram to notice any difference. I also found that I still had headaches, minor visual disturbances, weird dreams, etc perhaps until up to 2 months after I started taking it. I started on 20mg and after a month was raised to 40mg. It could be you just need more time on the medication or that your dosage may need to be increased, if after a full 10 weeks you do not notice a difference, speak to your doctor.

Ice water, or eating ice is a very natural non drug method to calm your anxiety. Realize that almost all the unpleasant physical symptoms from anxiety are caused from adrenaline release, and that oxygen (deep breathing) will help cause it to dissipate. Learn about what adrenaline does when it is released into the body and how the "fight or flight" reaction causes the physical symptoms you are experiencing. Once I learned about *how* adrenaline effects my body, it explained every physical symptom I had and I was able to accept it.

After a full 2 months on a medication you will know if it is is working for you. Not every medication works the same with everyone. The doctors will try to match you with a medication that they feel will help you, but, everyones brain chemistry is different. Sometimes it's a matter of trying a number of medications over time to find the right one for you. This is probably one of the hardest things you will ever do, but when you find a medication that works for you, it's worth it.

Hang in there and good luck.


formula buzz
26-11-09, 14:53
I have been taking this now for over a month on a 20 mg and it has not done anything for me. I have suffered with Anixity problems for years but have never wanted to go on medication untill lately when i started to suffer confusion problems and felt " not with it" and memory did not seem so sharp. Always had problems with my vision and some headaches and felt weak a lot.

This made me pretty worried so this bought on the anixity but the doctors just thing its me but i never felt this bad before and i must be feeling weird to even consider medication! My worries have been a brain tumor!

Am i on the wrong medication because i think it might make me less anixess but not going to stop the phiyscal problems if there is one

2 months on, it has reduced my anixity but still have the same problems that made me anxious in the fisrt place with the memory problems, confusion, muggy head, feeling weak and vision issues. I tryed to tell so many people and gone back to the doctors loads but don,t get anywhere so i have now requested to see a specialist about my head as i still am worried it could be something serious. My problems have now ran on for a few months and are not getting better. I have had counciling and spoken a lot about anixity issues which i know i suffer with but this feels so much like its something more...... just needed to get this out of my system and hopefully someone who reads this will understand how i feel

26-11-09, 18:00
:hugs:Perhaps pop over to the health anxiety forum?
There's lots of people there, experiencing the same thoughts as you, even if the symptoms are different.