View Full Version : Can anyone advise me on dizzy spells?

21-09-09, 12:19
I was wondering if anyone could help me with working out what’s wrong! I’m a relatively healthy person (to my knowledge) although I probably smoke and drink too much (mainly weekend drinking though, never during the day!). I eat a fairly balanced diet with very little processed food or sugar, give or take the odd chocolate bar. I eat regularly during the day.

However I’ve noticed that sometimes I get really mad dizzy spells, in which I feel like everything’s shifted violently to the right and it leaves me grabbing on to anything nearby for balance. It’s never actually made me fall over yet but it’s been close sometimes. I have no idea what’s causing it. I also sometimes have prolonged periods when I feel like I’m watching everything in a film, or that’s it’s not real or not happening to me.

I can’t pinpoint these occasions specifically to times of high stress or after eating/not eating, so I’m becoming quite concerned. I also sporadically suffer from weird shooting pains in my ribs, chest, legs, toes and arms, although I’m so far quite unconcerned about these. Could they be related?

I have been to my doctor once about the pains and she gave me a test for arthritis which came up negative, and she told me there were no abnormal results in my bloods. I really hate going to the doctor and tend to be the type of person who just ‘ignores until it goes away’, but then I randomly came across this site and I thought that you might be able to help. I have suffered from depression in the past and have been on medication, although I haven’t been for around the past five years. Is it mental, or physical? Does anyone have any advice?

Thanks for your time and apologies for the length of this post!


21-09-09, 12:40
Hi Sorcha! I have lived with Dizzyness and shooting pains for 5 months. Its anxiety. I started getting the spells soon after I had my first panic attack. Its nothing to worry about but if you feel worried get your ears checked (weird I know) because they could be blocked. Also, get your eyes checked!

Honestly my dear its just anxiety. Although you may not feel it at the time!! Many people on this site experience exactly the same thing!

Dont read too much into it because you will freak your self out!!

21-09-09, 12:56
Hi Lauren :)

Thanks for replying and taking time to advise me!

I've never before been diagnosed with anxiety-related illness or suffered greatly from panic attacks (the odd one the day after alcohol consumption just), should I maybe go and see someone to confirm this as a possible cause?

21-09-09, 14:07

Mine are so much worse after drinking a lot! Anxiety is sky high, along with odd sensations and dizzyness.

Check out with your GP, he will probably check your ears for blockage and suggest you get your eyes checked also.

Let me know how you get on!