View Full Version : hey im new here!!!

21-09-09, 12:43
hi my names tracey been suffering with itink is anxiety since i had my baby back in august 2008!!! my syntoms are dizziness foggy sensation in my head all the time!!! feeling sick headaches feeling like im goin to die any day now!!! keep tinkin i have a brain tumour or aneurysm!!! worrying constantley!!! went to the doctor cuz my balane and all waz gone to one side!!! he told me it waz vertigo seent me to a speclist e,n,t he cudnt find anyting wrong!!! said it mite b trauma to my neck!!! and sent me to a physio!!! im getn soo scared and fustrated!!! can anybody help me plz!!! im 23 years old and i cnt go out with my friends anymore and have fun like i used to!!! im even afraid to walk to the shop!!!!!!!! help me plz!!!!!!!!!

22-09-09, 10:17
:welcome: Tracey,

There is some great support on this site. I've not joined long, but already found it helpful.:)

Take Care


22-09-09, 10:30
Ive only just really joined this website also and Im finding it a great help to know that Im not the only one suffering with anxiety about certain issues

Hope you find it as useful as i and many others have!

22-09-09, 12:34
Post removed by author

22-09-09, 14:40
awh thanx everyone!!! dis website has been really helpful da lst couple of days!!! im off to c my doc 2moro!!! had physio 2day for my neck i feel extremely sick and panicky but hopefully it will pass cuz im soooooo scared and fustrated wid it!!! is any1 on meds for der anxiety? wat are the side effects?