View Full Version : Newbie here

21-09-09, 13:03
Hi all i would like to introduce myself im 30 and from the UK,i have been suffering with anxiety for over 15 years now , my first experience with it was when i was 18 all of a sudden my life changed in a matter of minutes this panick rose up through my body i was shaking the room would literally spin like i was lookin at the world through a white mist for 3 years i was quite poorly with extreme anxiety i had the therepy was on vailum had countless blood tests all came back clear then suddenly as quick as it started it suddenly went i was suddenly free from age of 21 til this year, Touch wood im not as bad but every day i panick i worry what may or may not happen im googling all sorts of symptons when normal spots or pains i think nothing off before are suddenly something serious in my head . I sleep 9 hrs a nite im tired all time i feel breathless sometimes, and i notice if i channel in to how i feel im forever needing to urinate i have had tests to exclude infections which came back clear. Im starting to feel generally fed up with how i feel every day, i dont understand why im feeling like this

Im hoping just by being here and reading what others are goin through may help me to stop concentrating on my self.

Kind Regards and Best wishes to all

22-09-09, 08:01
Hey welcome :) Sorry to hear what youve been through, Maybe because what your doing now isnt working, trying a new tactic with the doctors to see if something else works may make a difference?

22-09-09, 09:34
A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

best wishes

di xx

22-09-09, 09:45

I am sorry to hear how you have been feeling ...i am sure you will see the benefits on being part of this forum very soon.
speak to you soon
Take Care

22-09-09, 09:59
Hi Every One I Am Also New I Am 23 Yr Women And Have Been Suffering From Health Anxiety For Years But The Last Year Has Been The Worst My Anxiety Is That Bad Im To Scared To Go To The Doctor Is That A Bad Sign??? Thanks