View Full Version : Hello to everyone

21-09-09, 13:03
Hi to everyone.
I have stuggled on and off with panic attacks since I was about 19. (i'm 40now). They have only ever been one off incidents that have just come and gone again, and havent been a major concern.
After having a few years of stressful events, divorce etc, they are here again, accompanied by GAD. Its been going on for 18 months now, and quite frankly my life has come to a halt virtually, because of the awful anxiety.
I was prescribed ecitalopram but stopped after a week because it kept me awake.
Has anyone managed to overcome the side effects and found that it helped to bring anxiety down a bit, enough to start getting your confidence back, and make those firsts steps?
I really want to get over this, and feel 'normal' again, travel, and live normally. Its a real struggle at the moment to keep those pesky thoughts at bay! I sometimes am so low, I just cry. Eveything seems so hard.
I have been reading Claire Weekes, whose books are a tremendous help, but its taking that first step which seems to be difficult!!
This seems like a great site, thanks!

21-09-09, 23:24
Hi Peggy

Welcome to NMP. I took Citalopram for about 6 or 7 months and they really helped me. Side effects for me weren't too bad after the first week but I didn't really feel the tablets were doing anything until I'd been taking them for a few weeks. I used to take mine at night and they didn't keep me awake but don't know if it would make any difference if you took them in the morning. If you can get through the first few weeks hopefully you'll notice a difference. Maybe your doctor could give you a couple of sleeping tablets to get you over the first couple of weeks. When I first started taking Citalopram the doctor had given me some sleeping tablets- can't think what they were called, began with a Z I think. It was only a low dose and I didn't take them for long after I started Citalopram.

There's lots more advice on this site (including about side effects of Citalopram and how long they last).

Hope this has helped.

Take care. xx

21-09-09, 23:30
Hi and :welcome: I take citalopram,and I have to take them in the morning as prescribed by my dr.I had side affects but they went off after about 2 weeks.:hugs:

22-09-09, 00:16
Hi there

I just found this site after deciding that I really need to sort myself out! I've had anxiety for years and have been able to overcome it in most situations but lately (esp since a a tramuatic incident about a year ago) i've been getting worse and worse. My biggest problem is public speaking which i've always found totally horrific! It's something I am determined to get through though and have been wondering if anyone knows of any support speech groups in London? If there isn't then I was thinking of getting one going if anyone's keen!


22-09-09, 09:47
Thats really helpful thanks x

22-09-09, 12:22
Post removed by author