View Full Version : Feeling sick without being sick?????????

21-09-09, 13:11
I havnt been around much lately, have been trying to get on with the anxiety on my own and things have been better BUT.

For about 1 week now i feel really bad again and really scared. I have a feeling of being sick but i there isnt anything wrong. Blood samples and everything is fine.
I feel naussea, strange head sensations, dizzy, vertigo, tight chest, heart that is pounding really hard. I am tired and feel like dying at some moments.

DOnt know what i want from you guys but, i hope for some reassurance, that this is a picture of anxiety, that i am not alone with this. I am a bit scared and i never seem to learn anything about anxiety.

Can you calm me down a bit??

Best wishes to all of you

21-09-09, 14:05
hi Dazo

This sounds like picture perfect anxiety to me. I can go for weeks feeling sick and not actually being sick. Its very fustrating because i have a phobia of being sick. When i am feeling very anx i get dizzy and strange chest sensations. I used to fear i was going to die from this but now i know i'm fine its just anx.

Search the forum for each one of your symptoms and you will find we are all the same.
x nikki

21-09-09, 16:24
So you dont think its strange Nikki?
Oh, thank you for your answear, i appreciate it so much.

I have also got a bad neck pain, its so tensed and i feel so sad about this mess right now.

21-09-09, 18:09
I have this at the moment Dazo - been like this for about three weeks now and can hardly eat. I am not sick - anxiety is a very powerful tool indeed and tenses up the whole body - hence your neck.

You should try perhaps to distract yourself in some way - computer games or whatever - having said that i am a complete disaster! i think about my state all day - and this just feeds the anxiety and the muscle tension!

21-09-09, 21:47
hi Dazo

I think anxiety is strange!

The symptoms you are having are all on here. We all have different symptoms at different times. Some last a second and some much much longer. Thats how anx tries to twist your mind. Dont let it win Dazo.

If we understood anx then we wouldn't need this forum lol.

Keep strong, keep in touch


21-09-09, 21:49
I also get the sick feeling without being sick and some days I'm not hungry at all.

22-09-09, 00:11
Hi Dazo,
everything you are feeling is anxiety related, anxiety comes in many forms and with me the symproms change all the time, the muscle tension is the worst for me, I have horrible neck and back tension it never seems to go away. I can relate, you are not alone!!!


22-09-09, 07:40
Thank you everyone of you, thanks for the reassurance.
When anxiety hits all kind of clever thinking disapears for me and those week/weeks have been awful.

This night i got some better sleep anyway.
Anxiety is a bad partner to have.

05-08-17, 13:58
I know this post is rather old, but I have been experiencing the exact same thing as you did/do.
I was just wondering how you are now? If you got more answers?
I am unfortunately still rather anxious and find it hard to really believe it is just anxiety with all these symptoms.:weep:
But I do hope you're doing better!