View Full Version : Help!!

21-09-09, 13:40
Hello lovely people.
I wonder if anyone can tell me if there is such a thing as as a 'delayed panic attack'?
I will try and explain. I was staying at my boyfriends over the weekend, which in itself is quite an achievement! I have a vomit phobia as well as panic attacks. He was ill on the night that I stayed and was sick, I thought I coped really well and kept myself together to look after him.
But when I came home the following night, I had only been home for about an hour and started to have the most uncontrollable shakes, I went to bed but felt really awful til about 4 in the morning then I got really hot. It was almost as if I had stayed strong for him then had a panic attack. Is this possible?
I would be grateful for any advice, I was so proud of the way I handled it then felt really disappointed.
Thanks everyone.
Love and hugs.

21-09-09, 14:25
Hi Jayne

Im sure it is possible
i suffer from axiety and was recently asked to be best man at my nephews wedding, god knows how i got through the day but when i got home i developed in to a nervous wreck, im sure iw was my mind and body letting go

x x

21-09-09, 15:03
Well done for coping with the event...
Yes it is possible. I remember my brother dealing with an accident at work - everyone praised him he dealt with it perfectly and went to work OK BUT a week later passing the place where the accident happend (which he had done everyday) he totaly freaked and was off work for 3 days.
How odd was that??

22-09-09, 13:17
Hiya Marc And June,
Thank you so much for your replies. Its an odd thing, the human brain! Just when you thunk you have things sussed something else happens to baffle you!
Big hugs to you both, at least I know its normal to feel like this.
Thanks again, take care.
Jayne xxxxxxxxxxxxx