View Full Version : after event anxiety!!!

21-09-09, 14:23
I'm hoping someone else can relate to this?!

I have just been on a four night break to butlins with my partner, his son and my daughter. Normally this would have resulted in me having panic attacks for days b4 going and possibly not going at all. However this time i told myself it was for the kids and i can't bear letting them down. So i went and i loved almost every moment, i joined in the cheering and shouting at the shows.

On the tue my daughter had a bad throat i took her to the GP and they gave her amoxicillin for an infection. 3 hrs after having the med she started being sick and had the runs so bad ahe was passing clear water! my biiggest phobia is sickness. I called the GP who said stop the med as this was a reaction to it.
A few hrs later she was bright as a button. The next day i was so pleased i had done it. I actually looked after her without the back up of my mum. I spent the rest of the hol on a high with just 1 tiny attack that i walked off.

Now i'm home and normality is resumed i cant stop thinking bout it. I feel on edge and my left arm is tight and i have acid reflux. Which i know is all anx related. Does anyone else get the anx after the event?

sorry for the long post

21-09-09, 14:37
Hi Nikki

Im sure it is possible (see the post HELP by Jane)
she is having the same thing so i will tell you the same story told her

i suffer from axiety and was recently asked to be best man at my nephews wedding, god knows how i got through the day but when i got home i developed in to a nervous wreck, im sure it was my mind and body letting go

best wishes xx

21-09-09, 16:35
Hi marc

Wow well done you. thank you for that i will have a look. Ilike the idea that its letting go.


21-09-09, 21:48
:hugs: :yahoo: Well done Nikki!!!:yahoo:
You did soooo well and you've proved to yourself (and your family) that you CAN DO IT! :yesyes:

How you're feeling now is just a 'come down' from the 'main event' lol. Your brain is thinking "Blimey - I actually did that. I got through it...... EEEEEEEK!!!" :scared15: And now you're home and back to 'normality' it all comes crashing down:mad: But you need to keep reminding yourself you are a strong woman. You got through your hols and you'll get through this.

Yay for you!!! :hugs:

21-09-09, 21:59
Hi Nikki,

The reason you seemed to get anxiety after the event is because when you were on holiday you are constantly occupying you time with activities. These distracts you from the negative thoughts that cause anxiety. When we are at home and following our normal (less active) routine, we have more time on our hands to think about the things that makes us anxious. Distraction is one of the main methods of countering anxiety.

Hope that helps


21-09-09, 21:59
Definitely!! That's the story of my life! No matter what I just sail through it at the time then when it all calms down I take anxiety symptoms. It's almost as though I function better when up to my eyes in it!! It's as if when you have time to reflect that's when you start getting stressed. I think everything catches up with you eventually though. We're only human. Hope you start to feel better soon. My acid reflux gets worse too when I'm stressed. But you will get back on track again.


24-09-09, 07:56
Hi guys

Thank u all so much. I have calmed down again now. When i put all your replies together they make so much sense.

I have just been told that in 3weeks there is another hol coming up!!! For my birthday. This shows me that my family now believe in me because being away from home is not my idea of fun and they know that. So to do this shows me that they feel i'm ready.

Choccychompa! Thank you and you are right i have proved it now the only way is up!